Project p2 ratings about 57 responses 5 1HoursAlone: 4 1HoursAlone: 1 or less hours 2 1HoursAlone: 10 hours 1 1HoursAlone: 11 hours 1 1HoursAlone: 12 hours 1 1HoursAlone: 13 hours 3 1HoursAlone: 18-20 hours 6 1HoursAlone: 2 hours 4 1HoursAlone: 3 hours 9 1HoursAlone: 4 hours 6 1HoursAlone: 5 hours 9 1HoursAlone: 6 hours 2 1HoursAlone: 7 hours 2 1HoursAlone: 8 hours 2 1HoursAlone: 9 hours 19 1HoursWithPartner: 2 1HoursWithPartner: 10 hours 1 1HoursWithPartner: 11 hours 1 1HoursWithPartner: 15-17 hours 1 1HoursWithPartner: 18-20 hours 9 1HoursWithPartner: 2 hours 3 1HoursWithPartner: 3 hours 2 1HoursWithPartner: 4 hours 6 1HoursWithPartner: 5 hours 5 1HoursWithPartner: 6 hours 1 1HoursWithPartner: 7 hours 4 1HoursWithPartner: 8 hours 3 1HoursWithPartner: 9 hours 1 2 hours alone plus with partner 1 3 hours alone plus with partner 3 4 hours alone plus with partner 6 5 hours alone plus with partner 11 6 hours alone plus with partner 8 7 hours alone plus with partner 5 8 hours alone plus with partner 4 9 hours alone plus with partner 3 10 hours alone plus with partner 2 11 hours alone plus with partner 1 12 hours alone plus with partner 2 14 hours alone plus with partner 2 15 hours alone plus with partner 1 17 hours alone plus with partner 4 18 hours alone plus with partner 1 21 hours alone plus with partner 1 36 hours alone plus with partner 1 2KnowStrings: 1) very bad 4 2KnowStrings: 2) bad 20 2KnowStrings: 3) ok 17 2KnowStrings: 4) good 15 2KnowStrings: 5) very good 2 2LearnStrings: 1) very bad 3 2LearnStrings: 2) bad 14 2LearnStrings: 3) ok 29 2LearnStrings: 4) good 9 2LearnStrings: 5) very good 1 3KnowVectorArithmetic: 1) very bad 5 3KnowVectorArithmetic: 2) bad 22 3KnowVectorArithmetic: 3) ok 18 3KnowVectorArithmetic: 4) good 11 3KnowVectorArithmetic: 5) very good 3 3LearnVectorArithmetic: 1) very bad 3 3LearnVectorArithmetic: 2) bad 23 3LearnVectorArithmetic: 3) ok 21 3LearnVectorArithmetic: 4) good 7 3LearnVectorArithmetic: 5) very good 1 4KnowConcatenation: 2 4KnowConcatenation: 1) very bad 11 4KnowConcatenation: 2) bad 18 4KnowConcatenation: 3) ok 12 4KnowConcatenation: 4) good 13 4KnowConcatenation: 5) very good 1 4LearnConcatenation: 3 4LearnConcatenation: 1) very bad 9 4LearnConcatenation: 2) bad 19 4LearnConcatenation: 3) ok 15 4LearnConcatenation: 4) good 10 4LearnConcatenation: 5) very good 1 5KnowLoops: 1) very bad 2 5KnowLoops: 2) bad 17 5KnowLoops: 3) ok 21 5KnowLoops: 4) good 16 5KnowLoops: 5) very good 2 5LearnLoops: 1) very bad 1 5LearnLoops: 2) bad 16 5LearnLoops: 3) ok 26 5LearnLoops: 4) good 12 5LearnLoops: 5) very good 1 6KnowConditionals: 1) very bad 2 6KnowConditionals: 2) bad 14 6KnowConditionals: 3) ok 22 6KnowConditionals: 4) good 18 6KnowConditionals: 5) very good 2 6LearnConditionals: 1) very bad 2 6LearnConditionals: 2) bad 13 6LearnConditionals: 3) ok 26 6LearnConditionals: 4) good 14 6LearnConditionals: 5) very good 1 7KnowRandom: 2 7KnowRandom: 1) very bad 7 7KnowRandom: 2) bad 22 7KnowRandom: 3) ok 17 7KnowRandom: 4) good 8 7KnowRandom: 5) very good 1 7LearnRandom: 2 7LearnRandom: 1) very bad 4 7LearnRandom: 2) bad 18 7LearnRandom: 3) ok 26 7LearnRandom: 4) good 6 7LearnRandom: 5) very good 2 8ExPrepare: 1) very bad 9 8ExPrepare: 2) bad 32 8ExPrepare: 3) ok 10 8ExPrepare: 4) good 4 8ExPrepare: 5) very good 5 8LecPrepare: 1) very bad 15 8LecPrepare: 2) bad 24 8LecPrepare: 3) ok 11 8LecPrepare: 4) good 2 8LecPrepare: 5) very good 2 8SecPrepare: 1) very bad 10 8SecPrepare: 2) bad 20 8SecPrepare: 3) ok 18 8SecPrepare: 4) good 7 8SecPrepare: 5) very good 2 9Overall: 1) very bad 4 9Overall: 2) bad 21 9Overall: 3) ok 26 9Overall: 4) good 4 9Overall: 5) very good ---- q> I think the level of the project was too high given the level of q> the lecture. I had to look up a lot of things that we didn't cover q> in lecture in the index of the Matlab book. ---- q> The project was "too fast" for me... ---- q> I liked how the project was a series of small problems. Not only q> does this make it a little more interesting for the programmer, but q> also teaches us to concentrate on small problems, so that when we q> do get a large project we're not overwhelmed by trying to look at q> the whole thing at once. Overall, the project was challenging, yet q> very manageable. ---- q> I think that the project was very difficult. I think that it q> definitely favored people who have previous experience with q> programming. I attend all lectures and I worked very hard on the q> project yet I still could not come up with a good answer for four q> and that discourages me because I hear many people in the class say q> that they know how to do this already. I feel that the lecture q> could have helped out more with the project by doing similar q> examples. I just feel like I was thrown into programming and I q> hope it gets easier. ---- q> The project was easily done with only the material covered. I did q> not have to get very much help to solve the problems. ---- q> I thought that some sections of the project were very complex q> compared to the amount we have been taught. ---- q> The project was too long. ---- q> I found the project very useful as far as applying the stuff that I q> learned in lecture as well as the stuff that's in the book. I've q> already the book through chapter 6 and the project helped me q> implement things that the book expounded upon that weren't really q> brought up in lecture in too much detail. The hints and help that q> were given in lecture and in section were beneficial, too. ---- q> You clearly expected us to learn a lot of the necessary material by q> just doing it or discovering it on our own. I don't know how well q> I would have been able to do that if I had had no prior q> experience. ---- q> This project was very good, because it tested pretty much q> everything that we have learned. I feel prepared for the upcoming q> test now, if I can do the stuff on the projects, then I should q> definitely be able to handle the tests. ---- q> I wasn't sure how to do the bonus for the e^x-1 problem, but i took q> a guess and I felt overall that the project was a good test of the q> skills we were supposed to learn in lecture/section. ---- q> I thought way too much information on how to do the project was q> given in section. I finished it early, only to arrive in section q> and hear the instructor (Mike Singer) go through it practically q> step-by-step (he taught it very well, unfortunately we were q> supposed to figure it out on our own). It is, however, very q> important that new functions are clearly introduced, as not every q> student has programming experience. The functions that were q> brought up in lecture were well-explained, but some were not q> mentioned at all or were discussed too late to be helpful. ---- q> This jump from the first project to the second was enormous. I went q> from spending a few hours to spending nearly 20 hours spanning like q> 4 days. The jump should not be that big. Although the project q> challeneges you and nearly forces you to learn the material if you q> want to complete it, it took too much time and I had to put off q> work from other classes. please come talk to me; i'd like to know why seeing the consultants and tas didn't help you very much. ---- q> Project 2 was a good training exercise in that we had to both know q> the ins and outs of the topics learned, apply them, and at the same q> time utilize our logic and creative skills. Overall, it was a q> highly practical and open-ended project requiring much indepedent q> thought - hence I learned much as well. q> -- q> Although I started the project early, it seems as though a bulk of q> the time spent on the project was from working inefficiently-- q> since the lectures hadn't covered certain functions. It also took q> some time to understand what each task was asking for. Overall, q> the lecture notes posted on the web were helpful, and the project q> helped me learn Matlab better. ---- q> The project was quite well-designed and I thought it taught me a q> lot. I think we should have gone over plots in greater detail q> before assigning the bonus part of Eeeeee! I spent quite some time q> on it and didn't get anywhere. ---- q> While this took a bit longer than the first project, it was better q> because it made a lot more sense. I guess the only problem is that q> some of the instructions were not worded well and needed some q> clarification, but otherwise was not bad overall. ---- q> well, i think this project is kinda too hard...well, not really q> "hard hard" but my partner and i spend a lot of time on it q> wondering what should we right and how to make the program works... q> i think it's better if we can get some hints before we actually do q> the project...^^ ---- q> Most of the project, I found myself just playing around with some q> stuff that was gone over in some place or another. ---- q> I don't really see how the project could have been done without q> previous programming experience. Also things that were merely q> glanced over in lecture such as $sum$ of all the terms in the q> vector would have helped greatly if they were more strongly q> emphasised..otherwise the project was a good learning tool ---- q> The project was interesting and fun and we enjoyed writing the q> programs. The project was rather easy, and all the hints given in q> lecture made it even easier. I hope we will get to write longer q> programs in the future. ---- q> It was a good variety of assignments, ranging from very easy to q> quite difficult. ---- q> I thought his project was challenging and it took me a long time to q> complete, but I was very happy with the finished results and q> satisified with what we accomplished. ---- q> I feel that without some previous MATLAB experience I would have q> had a very difficlut time with the project. ---- q> I thought we needed more previous knowledge to do this project. ---- q> Without having a partner, this project was very difficult. ----