CS100J     Spring 2003     Assignment 5    Maintaining Duckpin Bowling Scores I (maintaining a frame)

Submit your solution on the course management system by the deadline: Saturday, 18 October, 23:59

You may work in groups of 2. But PLEASE form your group well before you submit!!!!

Before we discuss this assignment, let us discuss the timetable over the next few weeks:

09 October (Thursday). Lecture on loops.
14 October (Tuesday). Fall break --no lecture.
14-15 October (Tuesday-Wednesday). no lab, because of fall break.
15 October (Thursday). Lecture on loops. A handout will describe Prelim II.
18 October (Saturday) Assignment A5 due by midnight.
19 October (Sunday) Review session for prelim II, time and place to be announced.
21 October (Tuesday) Lecture on loops.
21 October (Tuesday). 7:30PM. Prelim II.
21-22 October (Tuesday-Wednesday) labs, as usual, in the ACCEL lab.

The official lab is canceled for Wednesday, 15 October. However, some TAs and consultants will be there during the whole time (12:20 to 4:25) in order to help individuals who want to work on assignment A5. Also, the consultant will be in the Carpenter basement. Finally, Gries will be in his office from 01:00 to 16:00, and people with laptops can visit him get some help in writing the assignment.

Thus, if you have studied the assignment and done some initial work on it, you should be able to get it done on Wednesday. If you do your programming, compiling, and testing incrementally, as we suggest below, you should have no trouble with the assignment.


We will have a series of assignments that end up in a program that maintains statistics on bowling games for any number of people. The group of assignments will exercise your knowledge and skill in a number of topics. (Some of the topics you don't know about yet! Don't be scared. This is an overview of what is to come, not what you need for assignment A5.)

Duckpin Bowling (a.k.a. Candlepin Bowling)

Duckpin bowling is a variant of ten-pin bowling, except that the ball and pins are significantly smaller. The size is such that it is very difficult to knock down all ten pins withonly two balls. Hence, in duckpin bowling you are given three balls per frame. Those of you familiar with Candlepin Bowling will find the rules familiar --they are in fact the same! The main difference between Candlepin and Duckpin bowling is the size of the pin used.

A game consists of ten frames. In each of the first 9 frames, you roll one, two, or three balls:

Here is how the information is recorded for a frame (the tenth frame can have more in it):

strike: X
spare with 5 on the first ball: 5/
Three balls, say 4, 4 and 1 445

In the tenth frame, you always roll three balls. Whenever all 10 pins are knocked down, they are set up again. For example, you can throw three strikes in the tenth frame: XXX; or a spare and a strike, e.g. 5/X; or a strike and no spare, e.g. X45; or no strike or spare at all, e.g. 711, or 0010 --i.e. two 0's and a 10. These examples don't include all possibilities.

The scoring is complicated:

Below, we show a game for Mary and one for Harry. The first line of each has the person's name together with what they rolled in each of the ten frames. The second line contains the running total score after each frame --this is how you keep a score.

Mary got a strike in every frame and three strikes in the last frame, for a perfect score of 300. Since Mary got a strike in her first frame, her score there is 10 + what she rolled on the next two balls, which were also strikes. Harry got just 9 pins in the first frame. In the second frame, he got a spare, so the score is 10 plus the next ball, which was a strike in the next frame, so his score for the second frame is 20. And so it goes.

Mary X X X X X X X X X XXX
  30   60  90   120  150  180  210  240  270  300 
Harry 450 4/ X 6/ 622 X X X X 5/2
  9 29 49 65 75 105  135 160 180 192

Class Frame

We give you a skeleton of class Frame, which is the only class you have to write. It compiles, but it contains only what the user would see --specifications of methods and their headers-- together with method bodies that are either empty or contain a simple return statement. We provide four well-specified fields. You have to fill in the bodies of all the methods. You may add extra private methods if they help --make them private because they should not be seen/usable outside the class.

We discuss the various pieces of class Frame. We urge you to write them and test them thoroughly, in the steps provided below. Don't go on to the next step until you are absolutely sure the first is correct. Before you begin, read the specs of all the methods so that you know what you have to do.

Step 0. Constructors and function toString

First, fill in the bodies of the three constructors.

Second, fill in method toString.

Third, test the four methods thoroughly, by creating instances of the class (in the Interactions pane) and calling toString.

Step 1. Write function card, which produces the information about balls rolled in the frame. The result MUST be FOUR characters long, as specified. Append blanks, if necessary, to get it four characters long.

This can be a messy function. We suggest that you write a private function to handle the case of the tenth frame, which is totally different. Then, in function card, test whether it is the tenth frame and return its value immediately if it is (by calling the private function).

Suppose it is not the tenth frame. We suggest that you handle one case at a time, returning its value immediately. For example, start with the case that the player uses all three balls: if the three balls are, say 5, 1, and 4, then return "514 ". Next, handle the case of a spare, and finally handle the case of a strike. AFTER EACH CASE, TEST IT. Do incremental programming, compiling, and testing. That way, you remain under control and you have confidence in what your are doing.

Write and test the case of the tenth frame in the same way.

Step 2. Write function score, which returns the score for the frame. This one is weird because the score in the frame may depend on what happens in the next one or two frames! Therefore, the function has two parameters, which are the next one or two frames. Here is how you can determine which frame it is. If both parameters p1 and p2 are null, it is the tenth frame. If parameter p1 is not null and parameter p2 is null, then it is the ninth frame. Otherwise, the frame is in the range 1..8.

Program, compile, and test incrementally --as done in step 1.

Step 3. Submit your file Frame.java, by the deadline.