The CodeWarrior editor has many features to help edit programs. Here are some useful ones.
There are several ways besides File|Open... to open files associated with a project.
To open a file whose name appears as text in an editor window, select the name of the file and select File|Open Selection.
If you are editing a Java class, you can display a menu of files containing other classes used by that class by pressing the button containing an h in the upper left corner of the editor window. Another way to do this is to press the triangle to the right of the file name in the project window. In either case, you'll see a list of files containing related classes; select a name from the list to open the file. (This doesn't work until the program has been compiled at least once. CodeWarrior builds the list of related files when it compiles a file.)
The editor window provides a quick way to go to the definition of any function (method) in the current file. Press the {} button in the upper left corner to see a list of functions in the file. Choose a function name to jump to the definition of that function.
To find text strings, use the find window. Select Search|Find... . The window that appears contains text boxes for the find and replace strings. As in any text editor, when you enter a find string and click Find, CodeWarrior selects the next occurrence of that string. Click Replace to replace it with the string in the replace field.
These commands provide the basic operations for searching in source files. Experiment with the other commands under Search as well. Some of the commands can be modified by pressing the Shift key. For example, Shift changes Find Next to Find Previous, which searches backward instead of forward through the file.