Working with another person. You may do this assignment with one other person. However, you must share the work equally: write the code together, type it in together, and debug it together. Hand in only one assignment with both names on it.
Note. The first comment of your program must contain the name, Cornell ID, section day, section time, section number, and section instructor of each person who is to receive a grade for the assignment you hand in. Don't write it in by hand; type it in as the first comment of the file that contains class CruiseControl.
Grading. Section 10 describes three main tasks that you have to perform -- each one requires writing code and testing it. Each part will be graded independently for both style (2 points) (i.e., clear logic, good commenting, good indentation) and for correctness (between 2 and 4 points).
What to hand in. Hand in a copy of class CruiseControl, which will contain all the code you will write. Also hand in a snapshot of one execution of your program that shows output that resulted from your program writing in the system output window.