Please provide the following information:
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Clearly print
last, first, middle name or initial(s)
Cornell Student ID Number: _______________
I have read and understand the code of Academic Integrity as it applies to CS100.
Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: ____________________
If I don't pick up my graded projects and exercises in section and I don't attach a yellow cover sheet to my program requesting that it be kept confidential, I understand that they may be made available for mass return on tables in Carpenter or at review sessions.
Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: ____________________
Either sign the waiver below or give us a Posting ID.
Signature: __________________________________________________
Date: ____________________
If you do not wish to sign the waiver, enter a four-digit number
below, and make a note of it. This number will be used instead of your
ID number to post your grades. If you prefer to enter the four-digit
number, make sure you do not forget it!
Posting ID: ____ ____ ____ ____