Academic Excellence Workshop
CS100  Spring 2000

The Academic Excellence Workshop offers an opportunity for students to gain additional
experience with CS100 course concepts in a cooperative learning environment. Please
note that these workshops are not remedial, and sometimes the problems can be quite
challenging. We're looking for a variety of motivated students willing to experiment
and develop their analytical and programming skills.

Please provide the following information and submit in lecture 2/3:

Name: ____________________________________    _________________     ____________
                    (last)                         (first)          (initial(s))

Cornell Student ID Number: _______________

Email: ___________________________________

Year: ____________________________________

College: _________________________________

Programming Experience: ____________ years

Have you taken CS99?       yes     no

We are offering two 50 minute workshops. If you do not have a schedule conflict,
you are eligible to join, though availability is limited.

Are you available Mon 2:25-3:15pm?    yes    no

Are you available Wed 1:20-2:10pm?    yes    no

Can you attend once per week for the remainder of the semester?   yes    no
(We expect near perfect attendance.)

Why do you wish to take the AEW for CS100? Answer below, briefly: