CS 100 Staff

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You are encouraged to seek help first in Carpenter lab and via the CS 100 Newsgroup.


Rimon Barr (Joins staff March 1)
Office: 4132 Upson Hall
Phone: 255-1179
Email: barr@cs.cornell.edu
Office Hours: TBA
Bela Ban
Office: 4114 Upson
Phone: 255-9205
Email: bba@cs.cornell.edu
Office Hours: M4-5, T3:30-4:30
Dexter Kozen
Office: 5143 Upson Hall
Phone: 255-9209
Email: kozen@cs.cornell.edu
Office Hours: TW10:30-11:30
Charles Van Loan
Office: 5144 Upson Hall
Phone: 255-5418
Email: cv@cs.cornell.edu
Office Hours: W11-12, Th 2:45-4:15 and by appointment through  Cindy Robinson..
Kiri Wagstaff
Office: 4156 Upson Hall
Email: wkiri@cs.cornell.edu
Office Hours: W11-12, W2:30-3:30

Teaching Assistants 

Mohammad Alam
Office: Upson 334
Phone: TBA
Email: mwa3@cornell.edu
Office Hours: Tu 4:30-5:30pm
Adrian Bozdog
Office: 4162 Upson Hall
Phone: 255-2219
Email: adrianb@cs.cornell.edu
Office Hours: M4-5pm
Ken Hopkinson
Office: 334 Upson Hall
Phone: 255-1149
Email: hopkik@cs.cornell.edu
Office Hours: M4-5
Hooi Ming Ng
Office: 326 Upson Hall
Phone: 255-4330
Email: hooiming@cs.cornell.edu
Office Hours: Th 11:30-12:30
Yuzheng Ying
Office: 393 Rhodes Hall
Phone: 254-8818
Email: ying@ee.cornell.edu
Office Hours: W1-2


The consultants keep hours in the Carpenter Lab. The exact times are posted in the lab. The consultants will

Please contact one of the head consultants if you have comments about the consulting process:

Lisa Fishman
Email: lff2@cornell.edu
Teresa Liou
Email: tsl3@cornell.edu
Mike Napoleone
Email: mpn3@cornell.edu
Kevin Neijstrom
Email: ken2@cornell.edu

Course Administrator

Contact the course administrator if you have a conflict with a scheduled exam or if you think that we have made a mistake in recording your scores. The course administrator does not answer technical questions that pertain to the content of CS 100.
Laurie Buck
Office: 303 Upson Hall
Phone: 255-3534
Email: buck@cs.cornell.edu
Office Hours: MTWF 1:30-4:00, Th 2:30-4:00


Call or visit the Undergraduate Office in Upson 303 (255-0982, M-F 9:30-4:30) to sign up for tutoring appointments if you are having trouble with t he course. You must sign up at least 24 hours in advance. If you need to cancel an appointment, you must call the undergraduate office in advance. If you miss two tutoring appointments without calling   to cancel then you will not be given further appointments.