CS 100: Lecture L22

April 15

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import java.io.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class PointsInPlane extends Frame
    public void paint(Graphics g)
	    int[] h0 = { 100, 450, 200, 300, 400, 650, 500, 850, 150, 150};
	    int[] v0 = { 400, 100, 250, 500, 350, 250, 100, 300, 200, 400};
	    double[][] D = distTable(h0,v0);
	// ****************************************************************
	    int[] s = findPath(D,0);
	// ****************************************************************
    public static double[][] distTable(int[] h, int[] v)
    // Yields an n-by-n array whose (i,j) entry is the distance from a city at (h[i],v[i]) to
    // a city at (h[j],v[j]). Here n = h.length = v.length.
       int n = h.length;
       double[][] D = new double[n][n];
       for(int i=0;i< n;i++)
       // Record all the distances from the ith point. Exploit symmetry.
          D[i][i] = 0;
          for(int j=0;j< i;j++)
             D[i][j] = Math.sqrt((h[i]-h[j])*(h[i]-h[j]) + (v[i]-v[j])*(v[i]-v[j]));
             D[j][i] = D[i][j];
       return D;
    public static int[] findPath(double[][] D, int firstStop)
    // Assume D is n-by-n array whose (i,j) entry represents the distance between
    // city i and city j. firstStop must satisfy 0<=firstStop< n.
    // Yields a length n array whose values are a permutation of 0,1,...,n-1. 
    // The ith component of the array represents the ith stop
    // on a trip that starts at city firstStop and visits each city exactly once.
    // The itinerary returned approximates, while not of guaranteed minimal length, tends to
    // be close to optimal in that regard.
       int n = D.length;
       // A boolean array that keeps track of the cities visited...
       boolean[] beenThere = new boolean[n];
       for(int i=0;i< n;i++) 
          beenThere[i] = false;
       beenThere[firstStop] = true;
       // Get ready for the trip..
       int[] city = new int[n];       // city[i] will be the index of the ith city visited.
       int c   = firstStop;           // c is the index of the current city.
       city[0] = c;
       int k=0;
       int nextStop;
       double minDist;
       for(int i=1;i<=n-1;i++)
       // Find the i-th city to visit
          // Find the first unvisited city.
          minDist = D[c][k];
          nextStop = k;
          // Now try to find a closer unvisited city.
          while(k< n)
             if(!beenThere[k] && D[c][k]< minDist)
                minDist = D[c][k];
                nextStop = k;
          // nextStop = index of the closest unvisited city. Go there.
          c = nextStop;
          city[i] = c;
          beenThere[c] = true;
       return city;
    public static void showPath(Graphics g, int[] h, int[] v, int p[])
    // Let n be the length of h,v, and path. Connects the (h[i],[v[i]) in the order
    // specified by p (with return to the starting point), i.e., 
    //  (h[p[0]],v[p[0]]), (h[p[1]],v[p[1]]),..., (h[p[n-1]],v[p[n-1]]), (h[p[0]],v[p[0]])
       int a,b;
       int n = h.length;
       for (int i=0;i < n;i++)
          a = p[i];
          b = p[(i+1)%n];
    public static void showCities(Graphics g, int[] h, int[] v)
    // Displays the points (h[0],v[0]),...,(h[n-1],v[n-1]) where n = h.length = v.length
       int n = h.length;
       int r = 8;
       g.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman",Font.BOLD,14));
       for(int i=0;i< n;i++)

public class L22
	public static void main(String args[])
		PointsInPlane d = new PointsInPlane();
		d.setTitle("Shortest RoundTrip Problem");                 