CS 5220

Applications of Parallel Computers

OpenMP programming

Prof David Bindel

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Shared memory programming model

Program consists of threads of control.

  • Can be created dynamically
  • Each has private variables (e.g. local)
  • Each has shared variables (e.g. heap)
  • Communication through shared variables
  • Coordinate by synchronizing on variables
  • Examples: pthreads, C11 threads, OpenMP, Cilk, Java threads

Wait, what’s a thread?

Processes have separate state. Threads share some:

  • Instruction pointer (per thread)
  • Register file (per thread)
  • Call stack (per thread)
  • Heap memory (shared)

Wait, what’s a thread?

  • Threads for parallelism
  • Threads for concurrency

Mechanisms for thread birth/death

  • Statically allocate threads
  • Fork/join
  • Fork detached threads
  • Cobegin/coend (OpenMP?)
    • Like fork/join, but lexically scoped
  • Futures
    • v = future(somefun(x))
    • Attempts to use v wait on evaluation

Mechanisms for synchronization

  • Atomic operations
  • Locks/mutexes (enforce mutual exclusion)
  • Condition variables (notification)
  • Monitors (like locks with lexical scoping)
  • Barriers

OpenMP: Open spec for MultiProcessing

  • Standard API for multi-threaded code
    • Only a spec — multiple implementations
    • Lightweight syntax
    • C or Fortran (with appropriate compiler support)
  • High level:
    • Preprocessor/compiler directives (80%)
    • Library calls (19%)
    • Environment variables (1%)
  • Basic syntax: #omp *construct* [*clause* ...]
    • Usually affects structured block (one way in/out)
    • OK to have exit() in such a block

A logistical note

# Intel compiler
icc -c -qopenmp foo.c
icc -o -qopenmp mycode.x foo.o

gcc -c -fopenmp foo.c
gcc -o -fopenmp mycode.x foo.o

# LLVM / CLang (Linux)
clang -c -fopenmp foo.c
clang -o -fopenmp mycode.x foo.o

# Apple LLVM / CLang (with libomp via Homebrew)
clang -c -Xpreprocessor -fopenmp foo.c
clang -o -Xpreprocessor -fopenmp foo.o -lomp

Parallel “hello world”

#include <stdio.h>
#include <omp.h>

int main()
    #pragma omp parallel
    printf("Hello world from %d\n",

    return 0;

Data in parallel regions

  • Basic model: fork-join / cobegin-coend
  • Each thread runs same code block
  • Annotations distinguish shared/private data
  • Relaxed consistency for shared data

Shared and private

  • shared(x) (default): One x shared everywhere
  • private(x): Thread gets own x (indep. of master)
  • firstprivate(x): Each thread gets its own x, initialized by x from before parallel region
  • lastprivate(x): After the parallel region, private x set to the value last left by one of the threads (used in loops and parallel sections)
  • reduction(op:x): Does reduction on all thread x on exit of parallel region

Parallel regions

Diagram of OpenMP parallel execution
double s[MAX_THREADS];
int i;
#pragma omp parallel shared(s) private(i)
  i = omp_get_thread_num();
  s[i] = i;
// Implicit barrier here

Parallel regions

Diagram of OpenMP parallel execution
double s[MAX_THREADS];  // default shared
#pragma omp parallel
  int i = omp_get_thread_num();  // local, so private
  s[i] = i;
// Implicit barrier here

Parallel regions

Several ways to control num threads

  • Default: System chooses (= number cores?)
  • Environment: export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4
  • Function call: omp_set_num_threads(4)
  • Clause: #pragma omp parallel num_threads(4)

Can also nest parallel regions.

Parallel regions

Parallel regions alone? Maybe Monte Carlo:

double result = 0;
#pragma omp parallel reduction(+:result)
  result = run_mc(trials) / omp_get_num_threads();
printf("Final result: %f\n", result);

Anything more interesting needs synchronization.

OpenMP synchronization

High-level synchronization:

  • critical: Critical sections
  • atomic: Atomic update
  • barrier: Barrier
  • ordered: Ordered access (later)

OpenMP synchronization

Low-level synchronization:

  • flush
  • Locks (simple and nested)

We will stay high-level.

Critical sections

Diagram of OpenMP critical section
  • Automatically lock/unlock at ends of critical section
  • Automatically memory flushes for consistency
  • Locks are still there if you really need them...

Critical sections

#pragma omp parallel
  // ...
  #pragma omp critical(my_data_cs)
    // ... modify data structure here ...

Critical sections

void list_push(link_t** l, int data)
    link_t* link = (link_t*) malloc(sizeof(link_t));
    link->data = data;
    #pragma omp critical(list_cs)
        link->next = *l;
        *l = link;

Atomic updates

#pragma omp parallel
  double my_piece = foo();
  #pragma omp atomic
  x += my_piece;

Only simple ops: increment/decrement or x += expr and co

Atomic captures

void list_push2(link_t** l, int data)
    link_t* link = (link_t*) malloc(sizeof(link_t));
    link->data = data;
    #pragma omp atomic capture
        link->next = *l;
        *l = link;


Diagram of OpenMP barrier
#pragma omp parallel
for (i = 0; i < nsteps; ++i) {
  #pragma omp barrier

Work sharing

Work sharing constructs split work across a team

  • Parallel for: split by loop iterations
  • sections: non-iterative tasks
  • single: only one thread executes (synchronized)
  • master: master executes, others skip (no sync)

Parallel iteration

Map independent iterations across threads

#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
    a[i] += b[i];

#pragma omp parallel
    // Stuff can go here...
    #pragma omp for
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
        a[i] += b[i];

Implicit barrier at end of loop (unless nowait clause)

Parallel iteration

The iteration can also go across a higher-dim index set

#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
    for (int j = 0; j < M; ++j)
        a[i*M+j] = foo(i,j);


for loop must be in “canonical form”

  • Loop var is an integer, pointer, random access iterator (C++)
  • Test compares loop var to loop-invariant expression
  • Increment/decrement by loop-invariant expression
  • No code between loop starts in collapse set
  • Needed to split iteration space (maybe in advance)


  • Iterations should be independent
    • Compiler may not stop you if you screw this up!
  • Iterations may be assigned out-of-order
    • Unless the loop is declared monotonic

Reduction loops

How might we parallelize something like this?

double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
    sum += big_hairy_computation(i);

Reduction loops

How might we parallelize something like this?

double sum = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum)
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
    sum = big_hairy_computation(i);


OK, what about something like this?

for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    int result = big_hairy_computation(i);
    add_to_queue(q, result);

Work is mostly independent, but not wholly.


Solution: ordered directive in loop with ordered clause

#pragma omp parallel for ordered
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    int result = big_hairy_computation(i);
    #pragma ordered
    add_to_queue(q, result);

Ensures the ordered code executes in loop order.

Parallel loop scheduling

  • static[(chunk)]: decide at start of loop; default chunk is n/nthreads. Lowest overhead, most potential load imbalance.
  • dynamic[(chunk)]: each thread takes chunk iterations when it has time; default chunk is 1. Higher overhead, but automatically balances load.
  • guided: take chunks of size unassigned iterations/threads; chunks get smaller toward end of loop. Somewhere between static and dynamic.
  • auto: up to the system!

SIMD loops

As of OpenMP 4.0:

#pragma omp simd reduction(+:sum) aligned(a:64)
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    a[i] = b[i] * c[i];
    sum = sum + a[i];

SIMD loops

Can also declare vectorized functions:

#pragma omp declare simd
float myfunc(float a, float b, float c)
    return a*b + c;

Other parallel work divisions

  • sections: like cobegin/coend
  • single: do only in one thread (e.g. I/O)
  • master: do only in master thread; others skip


#pragma omp parallel
    #pragma omp sections nowait
        #pragma omp section

        #pragma omp section

        #pragma omp section
        // No implicit barrier here
    // Implicit barrier here

sections nowait to kill barrier.

Task-based parallelism

  • Work-sharing so far is rather limited
    • Work cannot be produced/consumed dynamically
    • Fine for data parallel array processing...
    • ... but what about tree walks and such?
  • Alternate approach (OpenMP 3.0+): Tasks


Task involves:

  • Task construct: task directive plus structured block
  • Task: Task construct + data

Tasks are handled by run time, complete at barriers or taskwait.

Example: List traversal

#pragma omp parallel
    #pragma omp single nowait
        for (link_t* link = head; link; link = link->next)
            #pragma omp task firstprivate(link)
    // Implicit barrier

One thread generates tasks, others execute them.

Example: Tree traversal

int tree_max(node_t* n)
    int lmax, rmax;
    if (n->is_leaf)
        return n->value;

    #pragma omp task shared(lmax)
        lmax = tree_max(n->l);
    #pragma omp task shared(rmax)
        rmax = tree_max(n->l);
    #pragma omp taskwait

    return max(lmax, rmax);

The taskwait waits for all child tasks.

Task dependencies

What if one task produces what another needs?

#pragma omp task depend(out:x)
x = foo();
#pragma omp task depend(in:x)
y = bar(x);

Topics not addressed

  • Low-level synchronization (locks, flush)
  • OpenMP 4.x constructs for accelerator interaction
  • A variety of more specialized clauses

See http://www.openmp.org/

A final reminder

Parallelism is not performance!