CS 5220

Applications of Parallel Computers

Code Optimization

Prof David Bindel

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Reminder: Modern processors

Modern CPUs are

  • Wide: start / retire multiple instructions per cycle
  • Pipelined: overlap instruction executions
  • Out-of-order: dynamically schedule instructions

Reminder: Modern processors

  • Want lots of instruction-level parallelism (ILP)
  • Complicated! Compiler should handle details
  • Implication: we should give the compiler
    • Good instruction mixes
    • Independent operations
    • Vectorizable operations

Reminder: Memory systems

  • Memory access are expensive!
  • Flop time \(\ll\) bandwidth\(^{-1}\) \(\ll\) latency
  • Caches provide intermediate cost/capacity points
  • Cache benefits from
    • Spatial locality (regular local access)
    • Temporal locality (small working sets)

Goal: (Trans)portable performance

  • Attention to detail has orders-of-magnitude impact
  • Systems differ in micro-architectures, caches
  • Want (trans)portable performance across HW
  • Need principles for high-perf code along with tricks

Basic principles

  • Think before you write
  • Time before you tune
  • Stand on the shoulders of giants
  • Help your tools help you
  • Tune your data structures

Think before you write

Premature optimization

We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil.
– Don Knuth

Premature optimization

Wrong reading: “Performance doesn’t matter”

We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil.
– Don Knuth

Premature optimization

What he actually said (with my emphasis)

We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%.
– Don Knuth

Premature optimization

  • Don’t forget the big efficiencies!
  • Don’t forget the 3%!
  • Your code is not premature forever!

Don’t sweat the small stuff

Speed-up from tuning \(\epsilon\) of code \(< (1-\epsilon)^{-1} \approx 1 + \epsilon\);
OK if

  • High-level stuff in Matlab or Python
  • Configuration file reader is un-tuned
  • \(O(n^2)\) prelude to \(O(n^3)\) algorithm is untuned?

Lay-of-the-land thinking

for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    for (j = 0; j < n; ++j)
        for (k = 0; k < n; ++k)
            C[i+j*n] += A[i+k*n] * B[k+j*n];
  • What are the “big computations” in my code?
  • What are the natural algorithmic variants?
    • Vary loop orders? Different interpretations!
    • Lower complexity algorithm (Strassen?)
  • Should I rule out some options in advance?
  • How can I code so it is easy to experiment?

How big is \(n\)?

Typical analysis: time is \(O(f(n))\)

  • Meaning: \(\exists C, N : \forall n \geq N, T_n \leq C f(n)\).

  • Says nothing about constant factors: \(O(10 n) = O(n)\)

  • Ignores lower order term: \(O(n^3 + 1000 n^2) = O(n^3)\)

Beware asymptotic complexity arguments about small-\(n\) codes!

Avoid work

bool any_negative1(int* x, int n)
    bool result = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        result = (result || x[i] < 0);
    return result;

bool any_negative2(int* x, int n)
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        if (x[i] < 0)
            return true;
    return false;

Be cheap

Fast enough, right enough \(\implies\)
Approximate when you can get away with it.

Do more with less (data)

Want lots of work relative to data loads:

  • Keep data compact to fit in cache

  • Use short data types for better vectorization

  • But be aware of tradeoffs!

    • For integers: may want 64-bit ints sometimes!

    • For floating-point: more in other lectures

Remember the I/O!

Example: Explicit PDE time stepper on \(256^2\) mesh

  • 0.25 MB per frame (three fit in L3 cache)

  • Constant work per element (a few flops)

  • Time to write to disk \(\approx\) 5 ms

If I write once every 100 frames, how much time is I/O?

Time before you tune

Hot spots and bottlenecks

  • Often a little bit of code takes most of the time

  • Usually called a “hot spot” or bottleneck

  • Goal: Find and eliminate

    • Cute coinage: “de-slugging”

Practical timing

Need to worry about:

  • System timer resolutions

  • Wall-clock time vs CPU time

  • Size of data collected vs how informative it is

  • Cross-interference with other tasks

  • Cache warm-start on repeated timings

  • Overlooked issues from too-small timings

Manual instrumentation

Basic picture:

  • Identify stretch of code to be timed

  • Run it several times with “characteristic” data

  • Accumulate the total time spent

Caveats: Effects from repetition, “characteristic” data

Manual instrumentation

  • Hard to get portable high-resolution wall-clock time!

  • Solution: omp_get_wtime()

  • Requires OpenMP support (still not CLang)

Types of profiling tools

Sampling vs instrumenting

  • Sampling: Interrupt every \(t_{\mathrm{profile}}\) cycles

  • Instrumenting: Rewrite code to insert timers

  • Instrument at binary or source level

Types of profiling tools

Function level or line-by-line

  • Function: Inlining can cause mis-attribution

  • Line-by-line: Requires debugging symbols (-g)

Types of profiling tools

Context information?

  • Distinguish full call stack or not?

Types of profiling tools

Time full run, or just part?

Hardware counters

  • Counters track cache misses, instruction counts, etc

  • Present on most modern chips

  • May require significant permissions to access...

Automated analysis tools

  • Examples: MAQAO, IACA, LLVM-MCA

  • Symbolic execution of model of a code segment

  • Usually only practical for short segments

  • Can give detailed feedback on (assembly) quality

Shoulders of giants

What makes a good kernel?

Computational kernels are

  • Small and simple to describe

  • General building blocks (amortize tuning work)

  • Ideally high arithmetic intensity

    • Arithmetic intensity = flops/byte

    • Amortizes memory costs

Case study: BLAS

Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines

  • Level 1: \(O(n)\) work on \(O(n)\) data

  • Level 2: \(O(n^2)\) work on \(O(n^2)\) data

  • Level 3: \(O(n^3)\) work on \(O(n^2)\) data

Level 3 BLAS are key for high-perf transportable LA.

Other common kernels

  • Apply sparse matrix (or sparse matrix powers)

  • Compute an FFT

  • Sort a list

Kernel trade-offs

  • Critical to get properly tuned kernels

    • Interface is consistent across HW types

    • Implementation varies according to arch

  • General kernels may leave performance on the table

    • Ex: General matrix ops for structured matrices
  • Overheads may be an issue for small \(n\) cases

Kernel trade-offs

Building on kernel functionality is not perfect --
But: Ideally, someone else writes the kernel!

(Or it may be automatically tuned)

Help your tools help you

How can compiler help?

In decreasing order of effectiveness:

  • Local optimization

    • Especially restricted to a “basic block”

    • More generally, in “simple” functions

  • Loop optimizations

  • Global (cross-function) optimizations

Local optimizations

  • Register allocation: compiler > human

  • Instruction scheduling: compiler > human

  • Branch joins and jump elim: compiler > human?

  • Constant folding and propogation: humans OK

  • Common subexpression elimination: humans OK

  • Algebraic reductions: humans definitely help

Loop optimizations

Mostly leave these to modern compilers

  • Loop invariant code motion

  • Loop unrolling

  • Loop fusion

  • Software pipelining

  • Vectorization

  • Induction variable substitution

Obstacles for the compiler

  • Long dependency chains

  • Excessive branching

  • Pointer aliasing

  • Complex loop logic

  • Cross-module optimization

Obstacles for the compiler

  • Function pointers and virtual functions

  • Unexpected FP costs

  • Missed algebraic reductions

  • Lack of instruction diversity

Let’s look at a few...

Ex: Long dependency chains

Sometimes these can be decoupled (e.g. reduction loops)

// Version 0
float s = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    s += x[i];

Apparent linear dependency chain. Compilers might handle this, but let’s try ourselves...

Ex: Long dependency chains

Key: Break up chains to expose parallel opportunities

// Version 1
float s[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
int i;

// Sum start of list in four independent sub-sums
for (i = 0; i < n-3; i += 4)
    for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
        s[j] += x[i+j];

// Combine sub-sums and handle trailing elements
float s = (s[0]+s[1]) + (s[2]+s[3]);
for (; i < n; ++i)
    s += x[i];

Ex: Pointer aliasing

Why can this not vectorize easily?

void add_vecs(int n, double* result, double* a, double* b)
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        result[i] = a[i] + b[i];

Q: What if result overlaps a or b?

Ex: Pointer aliasing

C99: Use restrict keyword

void add_vecs(int n, double* restrict result,
        double* restrict a, double* restrict b);

Implicit promise: these point to different things in memory.

Fortran forbids aliasing — part of why naive Fortran speed beats naive C speed!

Ex: “Black box” function calls

Compiler must assume arbitrary wackiness from “black box” function calls

double foo(double* restrict x)
    double y = *x;  // Load x once
    bar();    // Assume bar is a 'black box' fn
    y += *x;  // Must reload x
    return y;

Ex: Floating point issues

Several possible optimizations available:

  • Use different precisions

  • Use more/less accurate special function routines

  • Underflow is flush-to-zero or gradual

Ex: Floating point issues

Problem: This changes semantics!

  • Compiler pretends floats are reals and hopes?

  • This will break some of my codes!

  • Human intervention is indicated

Optimization flags

-O[0123] (no optimization – aggressive optimization)

  • -O2 is usually the default

  • -O3 is useful, but might break FP codes (for example)

Optimization flags

Architecture targets

  • “Native” mode targets current architecture

  • Not always the right choice (e.g. head/compute)

Optimization flags

Specialized optimization flags

  • Turn on/off specific optimization features

  • Often the basic -Ox has reasonable defaults

Auto-vectorization and compiler reports

  • Good compilers try to vectorize for you

    • Intel is pretty good at this

    • GCC / CLang are OK, not as strong

  • Can get reports about what prevents vectorization

    • Not necessarily by default!

    • Helps a lot for tuning

Profile-guided optimization

Basic workflow:

  • Compile code with optimizations

  • Run in a profiler

  • Compile again, provide profiler results

Helps compiler optimize branches based on observations.

Data layout matters

“Speed-of-light” analysis

For compulsory misses to load cache: \[T_{\mbox{data}} \mbox{ (s)} \quad \geq \quad \frac{\mbox{data required (bytes)}} {\mbox{peak BW (bytes/s)}}\] Possible optimizations:

  • Shrink working sets to fit in cache (pay this once)

  • Use simple unit-stride access patterns

Reality is generally more complicated...

When and how to allocate

Why is this an \(O(n^2)\) loop?

x = [];
for i = 1:n
  x(i) = i;

When and how to allocate

Access is not the only cost!

  • Allocation / de-allocation also costs something

  • So does garbage collection (where supported)

  • Beware hidden allocation costs (e.g. on resize)

  • Often bites naive library users

When and how to allocate

Two thoughts to consider

  • Pre-allocation (avoid repeated alloc/free)

  • Lazy allocation (if alloc will often not be needed)

Storage layout


  • Compact (fit lots into cache)

  • Traverse with simple access patterns

  • Avoids pointer chasing

Multi-dimensional arrays

Two standard formats:

  • Col-major (Fortran): Store columns consecutively

  • Row-major (C/C++): Store rows consecutively

Ideally, traverse with unit stride! Layout affects choice.

Can use more sophisticated multi-dim array layouts...

Blocking / tiling

Classic example: Matrix multiply

  • Load \(b \times b\) block of \(A\)

  • Load \(b \times b\) block of \(B\)

  • Compute product of blocks

  • Accumulate into \(b \times b\) block of \(C\)

Have \(O(b^3)\) work for \(O(b^2)\) memory references!

Data alignment and vectorization

  • Vector load/stores faster if aligned (start at memory addresses that are multiples of 64 or 256)

  • Can ask for aligned blocks of memory from allocator

  • Then want aligned offsets into aligned blocks

  • Have to help compiler recognize aligned pointers!

Data alignment and cache contention

Issue: What if strided access causes conflict misses?

  • Example: Walk across row of col-major matrix

  • Example: Parallel arrays of large-power-of-2 size

Not the most common problem, but one to watch for.

Structure layouts

  • Want \(b\)-byte types on \(b\)-byte memory boundaries

  • Compiler may pad structures to enforce this

  • Arrange structure fields in decreasing size order

SoA vs AoS

// Struct of Arrays (parallel arrays)
typedef struct {
    double* x;
    double* y;
} aos_points_t;

// Array of Structs
typedef struct {
    double x;
    double y;
} point_t;
typedef point_t* soa_points_t;

SoA vs AoS

SoA: Structure of Arrays

  • Friendly to vectorization

  • Poor locality to access all of one item

  • Awkward for lots of libraries and programs

SoA vs AoS

AoS: Array of Structs

  • Naturally supported default

  • Not very SIMD-friendly

SoA vs AoS

Possible to combine the two...

Copy optimizations

Copy between formats to accelerate, e.g.

  • Copy piece of AoS to SoA format

  • Perform vector operations on SoA data

  • Copy back out

Performance gains > copy costs?
Plays great with tiling!

For the control freak

Can get (some) programmer control over

  • Pre-fetching

  • Uncached memory stores

But usually best left to compiler / HW.


