Instructions for building ITX from source ----------------------------------------- ITX is a telephony-programming package. With it you can build various voice-based applications. See "docs/ProgrammersGuide" for more details. It is in the top-level ITX directory. 1. Download ITX.tar (or and unpack it. This gives you an ITX top-level directory, with the following contents: apps - sources for the various applications in the CUTel distribution docs - programmers guide and license examples - small examples for each package in ITX gtwy - binaries and special files for building a Gateway src - what will mainly concern us here. To build from the source, you will need jdk1.2 (from Sun) and Visual J++ (from Microsoft). 2. Building the source: Method (a): using makefiles. Have ITX/src in your CLASSPATH. Have "nmake" in your PATH (usually found under Program Files\ microsoft visual studio\vc98\bin). Then run "nmake" in each subdirectory. Method (b): devise your own project Launch Visual J++, define a new project, have cnrg\itx in your source tree. Method (c): use our project o build itx.jar: Open itx\src\ITX Builds.sln and build the For Desktops project. o put itx\lib\itx.jar in your Classpath 3. Test the software on some of the examples in itx\examples. For example, open itx\examples\Little Test and try compiling it: javac Then run it, following the instructions in the same directory. 4. DSComm.dll can be found under itx\src\DSComm For NT, but you may have to rebuild it yourself. See itx\docs\ds\ for details. 5. Jaudio.dll can be found under itx\src\itx\cnrg\datax\jaudio\native, but you may have to rebuild it yourself. This is straightforward as long as you have a sound card and Microsoft's sound libraries.