Cornell University Telephony   (CUTel) Deployment Guide

The CUTel Demo is a set of applications built off of Cornell University's CNRG group's ITX Java Libraries. This document describes how to setup a CUTel system where CUTel application can be used to interact with each other, other telephony devices, as well as future applications built upon the ITX Java Libraries.

Directory Service

A directory service must be setup as an user registration database so that CUTel applications and users can locate each other in the system. The following step must be followed to setup a directory service:


The Cornell University Phone Simulator (CUPS) is a fundamental piece in CUTel system, to install CUPS, download  the CUTel demo below and run the installation, when prompted, select either "Typical Installation" or "Custom Installation". After a reboot, CUPS will be available in the Start Menu.

Before running CUPS however, take the following steps so that CUPS can find the Directory Service set up in the previous step:

Additionally, it is necessary to have the latest version of the Microsoft Java VM installed on the target desktop. A full-duplex sound card must also be available.

To find help for using CUPS, press F1.


The Slide Presentation Over Telephony application is another application which uses the ITX Java Libraries, like CUPS, it can be installed either through the "Custom Installation" or the "Typical Installation" from the CUTel demo. Follow the same steps as above to setup the resolv.conf file after installation to properly run SPOT. In order to run the SPOT server application, it is necessary to add user spotsrv, password spotsrv to the Directory Service. For more information about SPOT, check out the "docs\readme.html" file in the directory SPOT is installed, usually "C:\Program Files\CNRG\CU Telephony\spot".


A gateway is a PC that is able to translate between IP packets and voice on the PSTN (telephone network). A gateway is necessary if one wishes to deploy the CUTel system such that the desktop users can interact (ie, dial, be called, etc) with regular telephone users. To deploy a gateway, following these steps:


Self-Extracting Winzip file, unzip to a directory and then run setup.exe: CUTel demo