Description of the ITX Signaling Package

Donna Bergmark

August 12, 1999


ITX signaling is handled by the cnrg.itx.signal package. Each ITX application has exactly one DesktopSignaling object, which handles all signaling on behalf of the application. We would like to make ITX signaling SIP [2] compliant. The first step is to understand how the package currently works.

Functions supported by Signaling

The cnrg.itx.signal package takes care of generic telephony control plane functionality; the gateway and pbx packages take care of specialized signaling functionality. The following basic services are provided by the cnrg.itx.signal package, and are described in more detail in the remainder of this report:

An important aspect of the signaling component is that it uses an event model to handle the complex logic of changes in call state. Section 4 describes this event model.

The DesktopSignaling Object

Application Specific Information
myUID UserID Email address or application name under which the application is registering itself
myPassword Password Password being used by the application to authenticate itself
myDesc String Optional description of the application using this DesktopSignaling
myName String String representation of the IP address at which this DesktopSignaling is waiting for input from other DesktopSignaling objects
Object Handles
myDirS DirectoryService The DirectoryService object being used by this application and this DesktopSignaling.
myApp SignalingObserver The application on whose behalf we are handling the signaling function. This is the SignalingObserver that will handle any signaling events that arise. Typically myApp is the object that instantiated this DesktopSignaling.
myDSS DesktopSignalingServer This is the runnable object that listens for incoming packets and disposes of them appropriately
Internal Variables
myConnectionList Hashtable Keeps track of peer applications to whom we are connected.
myConnSeqNumber long A sequence number to use when we are creating a new SignalConnection.

Location Descriptors
myIAdd InetAddress The IP address at which this DesktopSignaling is listening for incoming packets.
myLoc Location This is our IP address and port number, in Directory Service format. In general, a Location can also be an email address or telephone number, but for DesktopSignaling objects, it is always an IP address.
myServerPort int The port on which this DesktopSignaling is listening for incoming packets.
TIMEOUT int The constant declared in cnrg.itx.signal.DesktopSignal as the number of milliseconds to wait for responses to signaling packets. Currently this is set to 20 seconds. After 20 seconds with no response, the peer application is declared dead and the connection is removed from myConnectionList. It is also used by myDSS to set a limit on how long to block while waiting for an incoming connection request. The TIMEOUT can be changed via the setTimeout() method.
Some of these fields are described below in further detail.

Directory Service

Each ITX application has exactly one DesktopSignaling object, and each DesktopSignaling object has at most one DirectoryService object, obtained at DesktopSignaling instantiation time. If the ITX application is being run without a DirectoryService, then all of its calls must be to explicit ports at explicit IP addresses. If the Directory Service is being used, then one may call telephones, other users (at their email address), or other applications (by name).

For a DesktopSignaling to get a DirectoryService for the application, DesktopSignaling needs a UserID, Password, and optionally a configuration file, all of which are passed to the DirectoryService constructor. myDirS is used by DesktopSignaling to look up other users:

   LocationList ll = myDirS.getLocationListByID(u);
where u is the UserID of somebody our application is trying to call. myDirS is valid (usable) or not depending on whether myUID and myPassword passed the authentication test.

If the application needs to do some directory service stuff directly, it can get a handle to myDirS by calling DesktopSignaling.getDirectory(). The DesktopSignaling object not only takes care of authentication, but also registers the current roaming location of the user in the database:

   myDirS.registerLocation(Location.ROAMING, myLoc);

Signaling Observers

As explained further in Section 4, it is up to the application to provide event handlers if it wants to do something special for invitations and other events caused by peer applications. SignalingObserver is the interface that must be implemented, and AbstractSignalingObserver is the default implementation, in which all invitations are handled by doing nothing. myApp is the handle by which DesktopSignaling invokes the application's signal event handlers.

In addition, if ITX applications want to make non-blocking calls (for example, to be able to attempt calling a number of locations in parallel) then the application must also implement the SignalConnectionObserver interface, to track the progress of the call.

Desktop Signaling Server

Exactly one DesktopSignalingServer, myDSS, is created for each DesktopSignaling object. myDSS is a thread which listens on a server socket for incoming packets (it sets up its own server socket, letting Java choose the port number). This port number is saved in myServerPort. As can be seen from the following, myDSS is what causes myApp's signal event handlers to be called.

The thread enters an endless loop, accepting incoming connection requests. Whenever a request arrives, myDSS spawns a SigPacketHandler thread with the server socket on which the request was made, an incremented request number, and a handle to DesktopSignaling. The endless loop continues until killServer() is called during the logout() process.

The SigPacketHandler reads in and decodes a signal packet, treating the socket as an ObjectInputStream.1 In we have:

  mySP = (SigPacket) myIn.readObject();
where myIn is the input stream of the socket.

Upon decoding the packet (which must be an InvitePacket2), the SigPacketHandler constructs a SignalEvent and calls the appropriate method in DesktopSignaling:

Kinds of Packets and Methods Called
Method ID method called event
DIAL handleDialInvite InviteSignalEvent
HANGUP handleHangupInvite() HangupSignalEvent
SENDDTMF handleSendDTMFInvite() DTMFSignalEvent
ALIVEQUERY handleAliveInvite() AliveSignalEvent
At this stage, SignalEvents contain only two things: the InvitePacket and a handle to DesktopSignaling.

The SigPacketHandler thread then dies, while further processing of the InvitePacket proceeds in DesktopSignaling and then in myApp. In the meantime myDSS could well field another request. We rely on the Java scheduler to run the handlers concurrently.

Connection List

The objects contained in myConnectionList are SignalConnections. The connection list is what allows an ITX application's single DesktopSignaling object to maintain many connections to the outside world at the same time.

The only time a connection gets added to the table is when our application invokes the Dial() method and our INVITE is accepted by the peer, or when we receive an incoming INVITE packet and the peer confirms our ACCEPT. The only time a SignalConnection is deleted from the table is when our peer hangs up on us, or our application invokes our Hangup() method with some signal connection. Each SignalConnection contains two sequence numbers: ours and our peer's. We use our sequence number as the hash key for myConnectionList. (Hashtable get() and remove() methods are sufficient to maintain myConnectionList.)3

Signal Connection

The SignalConnection object results from a successful Dial() or comes to us in an INVITE packet. It contains sequence numbers, an audio connection, stuff about the peer, a KeepAlive thread, a Dialer (if relevant), and the current state of the call. Initially, a DesktopSignaling object has no signal connections at all. The standard SignalConnection has the first three fields of the following table filled in, and the asynchronous dialed connection has all five fields filled in. The default SignalConnection has no data connection and no peer.
Field Type Description
myC Connection The audio connection used in this SignalConnection
myPeerIP String IP address of our peer DesktopSignaling
myPeerPort int Port number on which our peer is listening
myPeerUID UserID Use this to look up the peer application in Directory Service
myDialer DialThread The thread that dialed or is dialing or will dial this SignalConnection

The primarily methods on a SignalConnection are field accessors and setters, open() and close(), startCall() to start a call to a peer and abortCall(), and startKeepAlive().4 The SignalConnection is used primary as a bundle of data, containing all the state of the call.

Event Model

ITX uses the events and listeners model. Upon instantiating a DesktopSignaling object, the application must specify a listener for signal events, typically itself. The application can also be a listener for signal connection events.

An ITX application can implement SignalingObserver, which is an interface, or it can extend AbstractSignalingObserver, which is an adapter, or it can pass AbstractSignalingObserver as a handle when instantiating a DesktopSignaling. Typically, an ITX application passes itself:

   mySig = new DesktopSignaling(this, ...
When changes occur in the environment, an event is generated; see the subpackage cnrg.itx.signal.SignalEvent for details. After constructing the event, DesktopSignaling calls one of the application handlers. There are seven signal events in all. Here are the events and their handlers:

Signal event Handler Description
AbortSignalEvent onAbortCall() tells an app to abandon call setup
AliveSignalEvent handleAliveEvent() (internal to DesktopSignaling)
DialSignalEvent onAccept() tells app something happened
  onReject() during non-blocking Dial()
DTMFSignalEvent onDTMF() tells app that DTMF has been received
HangupSignalEvent onHangup() tells app that peer has hung up
InviteSignalEvent onInvite() tells app that peer is trying to call it
SignalEvent (none) base class for other signal events
By time the application handler is called, a third item - the signal connection - has been added to the SignalEvent. Thus the SignalEvent now contains three significant objects: an InvitePacket, a SignalConnection, and the DesktopSignaling that generated the event.

The application specifies its disposition of invitation events by calling a method on the SignalEvent. For example:

There is an InvitePacket inside that SignalEvent, and its resultFlag is set to SignalID.ACCEPT, flagging the packet as accepted.

To recap, InvitePacket extends SigPacket and is serializable. It is part of a SignalEvent object, which is contained in a SignalConnection, along with a data connection (Connection).

Call Setup and Teardown

Setting up a call begins when one ITX application decides that it wants to make a call to another party. The ITX application begins the process by invoking the Dial() method on its DesktopSignaling. The parameters to the Dial() method determine who the callee is and what the characteristics of the resulting audio connection should be.

Like SIP, ITX uses a three-way handshake between peers in order to set up a call. The successful connection is established in the following three steps:

Caller5 sends an INVITE packet to callee, containing caller's location, and caller's side of the data connection.
Callee sends back an ACCEPT packet containing a negotiated data connection having the callee's desired side. At that point, the callee has a complete data connection object, with both its and callers connection properties attached to it.
Caller gets the ACCEPT packet, determines that the negotiated connection is feasible, and returns a CONFIRM packet to the callee. Caller now has a complete data connection object, and returns it along with other information to the onStart() method of its SignalingObserver (i.e. the application that originally invoked the Dial()). It also adds the SignalConnection to myConnectionList.

The 3-way handshake can be aborted at the following junctures:

Directory Lookup

ITX applications invoke DesktopSignaling.Dial() to reach somebody. If no Directory Service is available, then the location (IP address and port number) must be given as a parameter. Otherwise, the parameter can be a string representing who is being called. In the current version of ITX, this string can be one of the following:

an email address
a telephone number
userID (typically the name of some server application)
DesktopSignaling uses this to get a LocationList from myDirS. The LocationList begins with the user's roaming location (if any), followed by a list of other dynamic locations, ending with a list of quasi-static locations at which the user can be reached.

DesktopSignaling tries each location in turn until the INVITE gets back an ACCEPT or until the end of the list is reached. If the location is another user in the database, DesktopSignaling will recurse to one level.

Setting up the Data Connection

If the targeted callee answers at some location and agrees on a suitable data connection between us and it, then the connection is successful. Dial() returns a SignalConnection to represent the call that is in progress. A SignalConnection is basically a data connection plus some signal data (see Section 3.5). The default data connection is NetworkSource --> SpeakerDestination for input and MicrophoneSource --> NetworkDestination for output. The audio connection is set up (i.e. resources allocated) but not opened. It is up to the calling application to actually open the signal connection.

The application can override the input and output channels by passing them as parameters to the Dial() method. In particular, half-duplex applications might choose to specify (Channel)null as one of the channels. Either both channels must be given in the Dial() call, or neither.

Call Teardown

A call, represented by a SignalConnection, can be terminated in one of 5 ways:
DesktopSignaling's peer sends it a HANGUP request for a given SignalConnection.
The application invokes Hangup() on DesktopSignaling, passing it the SignalConnection involved.
A SignalConnection's KeepAlive thread fails to open a socket to the peer application (see Section 6).
The application invokes isAlive() on DesktopSignaling, passing it a SignalConnection, and the attempt to send an ``alive'' INVITE on this connection fails in some way.
The application invokes abortCall() on DesktopSignaling, passing it the SignalConnection to be aborted.

In each case, DesktopSignaling closes the SignalConnection, which releases all the audio resources associated with the call. In most cases the SignalConnection is also removed from myConnectionList.7


In ITX, signaling is bound into the application. There is no central signaling daemon that keeps track of which processes are alive and which are not. This ``shared-fate'' scenario makes it simple for the control layer to keep track of its peer processes by using a ``hello'' protocol.

A SignalConnection has a KeepAlive thread once its startKeepAlive() method is invoked. A DesktopSignaling calls this method during the Dial() sequence if its INVITE has been accepted by its peer8:

   sc = (SignalConnection) myConnectionList.get(seq);
or when our ACCEPT of an INVITE has been CONFIRMed:
   sc = new SignalConnection(...);
   myApp.onStartCall(sc);   // does app want to start the call?
   sc.startKeepAlive(this); // if onStartCall returns

The call to startKeepAlive() causes a KeepAlive object to be created, which is a thread that periodically opens a socket to a peer. If the socket open fails three times in a row, the peer is assumed to be dead; DesktopSignaling's handlePeerNotAlive method is invoked to shut down the connection.

The thread is stopped when our application calls our Hangup() method on some active signal connection, or when DesktopSignaling receives a HANGUP packet from its peer:

   KeepAlive ka = sc.getKeepAlive(); // sc is SignalConnection
   if (ka != null) ka.cleanup();

BUG: I believe that the call to ka.cleanup() should be moved into SignalConnection.close(), since the KeepAlive thread is part of the SignalConnection object.

BUG: Currently we have a bug in signal connection's implementation of abortCall() in that the signal connection stops its DialThread but not its KeepAlive. I think that if a signal connection is in the IDLE state, it should also have been closed or never have been opened.

The other objects related to KeepAlive are AliveSignalEvent and its handler handleAliveInvite(). If an application wants to check to see whether its peer is still alive, it can invoke the isAlive(SignalConnection) on its DesktopSignaling. This will cause an ``alive'' INVITE packet to be created and sent to the peer.

If successful, the peer DesktopSignaling object will invoke its handleAliveInvite() method, which returns a CONFIRM packet. Otherwise, DesktopSignaling has inadvertently discovered that the peer is dead and will treat this via its handleHangupInvite, which closes the signal connection. That is, discovery of peer death is treated as a HANGUP request.


The ITX directory keeps track of all applications that are currently running, as well as users of ITX. Users and applications have unique userids, passwords, and level of authorization.

When a DesktopSignaling object is first created by an ITX application, some of its parameters are the userid and password under which the application is authenticating itself. For example, when CUPS begins running, it provides its userid (adm) and password to the DesktopSignaling constructor, which in turn obtains a DirectoryService and calls DeclareIdentity() on it. If successful, further directory services are allowed.

As a side effect, this DesktopSignaling's current IP address and port number (on which it is listening) are registered in the database. This will allow other ITX applications to send Dial invitations to this DesktopSignaling. This location is known as the user or application's ``roaming location''.

If a user logs into CUPS, since CUPS is running with management-level privileges, CUPS can obtain the user's NETid and ITX password and use them to register the user's current roaming location, which again, is the IP address and port number on which CUPS' DesktopSignaling is listening for invites.

Gateway and PBX

The Gateway and PBX are part of signaling, even though they are in their own packages (cnrg.itx.gtwy and cnrg.itx.gtwy.pbx). The Gateway manager is a special ITX application which gets a DesktopSignaling just like any other ITX application.

The difference is that the Gateway extends the signaling interface to handle real telephone numbers and the PSTN, with or without the PBX package.

If a CUPS user types in a real telephone number rather than the name of another ITX user or application, then CUPS will send a call invitation to the gateway (it finds out where the gateway is running by looking up ITX application gatewaysrv in the database). The Gateway's DesktopSignaling is listening for invitations, gets one, and invokes the Gateway's onInvite() handler. The Gateway simply extracts the desired telephone number from the InviteSignalEvent and uses one of its own lines to place a call to that number. The Gateway also sets up an audio connection between it and CUPS:

   Gateway in-channel:  dx_play <- networkSource
   Gateway out-channel: dx_record -> networkDestination

An interesting situation is when a user calls the Gateway and leaves the extension of another user, who turns out to be available only at another telephone. In this case, the AudioConnection will go from the telephone to the Gateway, to the network, in from the network, to the Gateway, and out on the other telephone line. A future optimization would be to catch this happening, and reroute the first call directly to the second.

TBD: CDR output

An important function of the control layer is to log changes in control state for potential billing of calls. Typically signaling objects do this by emitting Call Data Records, which include such things as time a call was initiated, who made the call, when was the call terminated and why, etc.

Rather than having each DesktopSignaling writing to its own disk file, we would probably choose to have the signaling objects maintain a Stats structure (currently in the cnrg.itx.datax package) from which a billing or logging application can pull the desired data.

Here is one suggested list of CDR fields (from the Pulver Report) [1]:

Start Time (based on Atomic Clock time)
Stop Time
Dial Digits
AB Number (?)
Origination IP Address
Destination IP Address
Destination Number
Gatekeeper IP Address
Bit Rate
Codec Selected
Network Metric (# of hops)
Round Trip Delay
QoS relative to what was purchased
Reason the Call was Dropped
Billing Method for the Call
Packet Loss %


What can one conclude?


Jeff Pulver.
Suggested CDR fields, 1998.

H. Schulzrinne and J. Rosenberg.
The session initiation protocol: Providing advanced telephony services across the internet.
Bell Labs Technical Journal, 3(4):144-160, October-December 1998.
The LATEX source for this report can be found in /amd/sundial/a/bergmark/public/NSF-telephony-proposal/SignalingInterface/package.tex.

About this document ...

Description of the ITX Signaling Package

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Donna Bergmark