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Cornell Digital Library
Research Group


Overview Our research investigates architecture, protocols, services, and policies that facilitate the creation, management, accessibility, and longevity of distributed information.    The debate about "what is a digital library" has advocates for orthodoxy and liberalism. Instead of posing an absolute definition, we prefer to explore the full spectrum of distributed information environments and develop flexible infrastructure that can be deployed and administered to conform to individual requirements. 

Our group is part of  Computing and Information Science at Cornell University.  Our group reflects the breadth of the problems we study, with expertise in computer science, electronic publishing, preservation, information management, human computer interaction, and software engineering.  Our research funding comes from a variety of government, foundation, and industry sources and involves active  collaborations with international researchers in the information and computer science communities.


Research & Projects

People Faculty and Academic Staff Research Staff Students Support Staff

  • Trail Maintenance Pictures
  • Dienst is an architecture, protocol, and software implementation for creating distributed digital libraries.  Dienst is the technical basis for NCSTRL (Networked Computer Science Technical Reference Library), which is a component of the D-Lib Test Suite.
  • D-Lib Magazine
    An international magazine for innovation and research in digital libraries.  D-Lib Magazine is funded by DARPA and produced jointly by Cornell and CNRI.
  • Nomadic Digital Libraries
    This is research  to investigate the application of distributed digital library technology to nomadic (disconnected or randomly connected) devices (e.g. palm devices, hand-helds, and roaming laptops).
  • Preserving the Open Access Web
    This is a project is to work with the Library of Congress to initiate a broad program to collect and preserve open-access materials from the World Wide Web.

Modification date: October 22, 2001