index/CrySis/Status Report

Status Report

Period of January 4-20th 2004


Began a complete rewrite and reorganization of CrySis. The method that CrySis was initially developed with was advantageous only for a proof of concept application. To bring CrySis up to the 'next level' it is necessary to implement it in a more organized and generic style. This will enable newly developed algorithms and detector formats to be added with minimal effort. It will also alleviate many performance issues by separating GUI logic from analysis logic.


GUI: CrySis 3.0 has been redesigned with a new GUI appearance. Not only is it more aesthetically pleasing by linking a new "look-and-feel" but it also now contains a 3 tab main screen with an Image tab, a Diffraction Session tab and, for now, a Training Session tab. These panels contain all the necessary information and features for their respective features.

Structure: The Diffraction Image class has been converted to an Interface so that other formats can be easily integrated. Three new interfaces have also been introduced: ImageAnalyzer, ImageViewer and ImageData that are contained within the DiffractionImage definition. These interfaces prototype the basic features that any new Analyzer, Viewer or Data storage class must implement. This also adds to the flexibility of the software package because as new algorithms are developed, they can be seamlessly integrated.

New Features: To help with solving memory bugs, a memory bar was added. It displays the current free memory for the Java Heap as well as the current and maximum usages. The Image display frame was revamped as well. The image control frame was integrated as a detachable toolbar. To solve an annoying display issue that formerly arose with the contrast adjustment sliders, CrySis now enforces the levels of the high and low settings. The low setting can never exceed the High and visa-versa.

rev 1/20/04