Quantum Computing Simulation.  

Classical Computer can simulate quantum computers.  But they are much slower.  However, in the future, classical computers and quantum computers may be combined to utilize the strengths of the two paradigms. 


Eric Hsu. Cornell BOOM. 2003.

I worked at NIST to develop a more robust quantum computer simulator. We were mostly trying to find what platform and operating system to develop the simulator in. I also did experiments. We collaborated with the physicists.  




Over the summer of 2002, I worked at NIST on simulating quantum computing. I adapted a quantum optics Matlab toolbox by Sze Tan
You can download my add-ons, extra code and fixes that I added to Professor Tan's toolbox.  Also included are some of the simulations I ran.  
I worked with another thing called JaQuzzi written in java but it's still a bit quirky and uses state vector approach.
It's got a nice interface and works well with this circuit generator Paul Black wrote.



Websites of Interest (well, at least things pertaining to myself) 
Quanutm Computing at NIST NIST's initiative in QC.  They have some top notch talent in their physics departments.  Quantum Information Program.  This is a good site. I worked at NIST with Paul Black
Theory at NIST information about theoretical QC work at NIST
I attended the recent Conference Joint Mathematical Meetings in Baltimore (2003). Lots of qc going on there. I went to an AMS session in 2001 on the qc as well. Go here for a listing of who and what was there
Sze Tan at the University of Auckland Quantum Optics Toolbox
JaQuzzi by Felix Schuermann information about JaQuzzi
N.D. Mermin at Cornell physics professor 
CS 483/Phys481/681 Quantum Information Processing Class
A little thing I wrote.  It is not much.  It is at the " arXiv "  The arXiv is a very up to date source of academic papers of all kinds. Report, Summary, Results, Abstract, Methods


Useful (perhaps required) Books
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information by Michael A. Nielsen and Isaac L. Chuang    
Quantum Computation by Gruska