UPDATE: Due to
construction in the Phillips 2nd floor lounge, our info sessions have been
moved to Phillips 219

CUAUV is recruiting! Info
Sept. 9th and 10th, 5pm
at Phillips 219. We will also be at Ho Plaza with our
submarine Wednesday Sept 3rd and Monday Sept. 8th

CUAUV places 1st! Check
out the
press release and the
auvsi page.

Sixth pool test. Started developing more complex maneuvers (waypoint
to waypoint travel).

Fifth pool test. Integrating velocity PID together with heading
PID. Passive sonar system seems to be operational. Acquired good
snapshots of underwater ping.

Fourth pool test. Thoroughly tested the computer vision line
detection algorithm. The algorithm was able to detect black lines
along arrows on the bottom of the pool. See the
Pictures section.

Third pool test. Continued tweaking the PID algorithms to
further reduce oscillations. Began vision testing, successfully
taking pictures of underwater lights.