Leveraging Metadata for Natural Language Processing
BOOM 2002
Perhaps the single fastest way to locate information online, or in any large
body of documents, is with a text search. However, a pure text search is
lacking in many regards. Often documents are able to discuss topics while
never directly stating them, or they will use slightly different
terminology. A pure text search will scan documents for the occurrence of
words, but it will follow no particular logic or reason in the results it
Recently XML and RDF have emerged to bring a semantic quality to information
on the web. While any human can look at a web page and immediately
understand its semantics, XML and RDF are powerful because they provide
semantic information that is understandable to machines. This project uses
XML metadata to improve searching accuracy in the form of an interactive
chatbot that is both significantly more intelligent than a pure text search,
and provides a more natural user experience.
Alexander Faaborg
Cornell University: BOOM
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