and with
, the usual gmon.out
files will be generated. These can be viewed with xprofiler, a GUI.
Here, for example, we see the call tree of a large program, reconstructed
from the gmon.out
If you click on a routine with the right mouse button, you have a selection
of information you can see about that routine, including an annotated
source listing.
Here is a portion of an annotated program source, showing the
"do 12225" loop which contains many tick marks.
Line Ticks
---- -----
135 2 do 12225 j = 1, ndemm
136 demand(j) = 0.
137 do 12230 k = 1, nsupm
138 2 test =(-supp(k) - thxlin(k, j))*(1. + tar(k, j)) + demp(j)
139 1 apath = apatho(k, j) + rho * test
140 28 if (apath .lt. 0.) apath = 0.
141 38 if (abs(apath- apatho(k,j)) .le. .01) iict = iict+1
142 apatho(k, j) = apath
143 33 supply(k) = supply(k) + apath
144 demand(j) = demand(j) + apath
145 12230 continue
146 12225 continue