Robbert van Renesse
Senior Research Associate
PhD Vrije Univ., Amsterdam 1989
I'm directing, with Ken Birman and Werner Vogels, a new project called Spinglass. The project investigates a new direction in scalable group communication. The idea is to use gossiping between the group members to have them approximate a shared state. Gossiping protocols can be
analyzed using epidemiological theory, resulting in probabilistic guarantees on the accuracy of the shared state. These protocols scale much better than traditional group communication protocols. Most recently I have developed an extremely scalable resource monitoring and location system based on such protocols. |
I'm also involved in the NuPrl/Ensemble effort, a joint effort with Bob Constable's Nuprl group, which intends to harden the core Ensemble group communication
sys tem and a large set of Ensemble's micro-protocols. We are specifying the behavior of group communication protocols in I/O automata, and are using Nuprl to construct mechanical proofs of communication properties.
Our most concrete results thus far are optimizations: using partial evaluation we are able to generate optimized common paths from the original Ensemble code that perform within 50% of the best hand-optimized code, and come with proofs of correctness.
Finally, I'm also working in the Tacoma project, together with Fred Schneider and Dag Johansen. Tacoma is developing secure mobile code technology, but the techniques that we are developing turn out to be applicable in general distributed systems. We are currently developing a
customizable file system, in which files can be dynamically wrapped with layers of code. Such
code could, for example, be inserted by an intruder detection system. We are also developing a new proactive secret sharing protocol, and a secure clock synchronization protocol. Closing the loop, both protocols use secure gossiping.
Associate Editor: IEEE Trans. Distributed and Parallel Systems
Vice-President, R&D: Reliable
Network Solutions, Inc.
Program Committees: IEEE Int. Conf. Distributed Computing Systems 1999; Middleware `98 Panels
Adapt to survive. 8th ACM
SIGOPS European Workshop, Sintra, Portugal, Sept. 9, 1998.
Policies for new network forms.
ARPA HCN Meeting,
Rockport, MA, June 12, 1998.
- PEX: A partitionable execution
service for a network of
heterogeneous processors.
Proc. of the 29th
International Symposium on
Fault-Tolerant Computing
(June 1999) (with T. Hickey).
What TACOMA taught us.
Mobility: Processes,
Computers, and Agents (D. Milojicic, F. Douglis and R.
Wheeler, eds.), Addison
Wesley Publishing Company
and the ACM Press, (Apr.
1999) (with D. Johansen and F.
Specifications and proofs for
Ensemble layers. 5th
International Conference on
Tools and Algorithms for the
Construction and Analysis of Systems, LNCS
1579, (R.
Cleaveland, ed.), Springer Verlag, (March 1999),
119-133 (with J. Hickey and N.Lynch).
- Operating system support for
mobile agents. Readings on
Agents, (Michael N. Hunhns
and Munindar P. Singh, eds.),
Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers
Inc. (1988) (with D. Johansen
and F. Schneider).
Goal-oriented programming, or
composition using events, or
threads considered harmful.
Proc. of the Eighth ACM
SIGOPS European Workshop
(Sept. 1998).
Six misconceptions about
reliable distributed computing.
Proc. of the Eighth ACM
SIGOPS European Workshop
(Sept. 1998) (with W. Vogels
and K. Birman).
A gossip-based failure detection
service. Proc. of Middleware
'98 (Sept. 1998) (with Y.
Minsky and M. Hayden).
- Building adaptive systems using ensemble.
Software -Practice and Experience (Aug 1998)
(with K. Birman, M. Hayden, A. Vaysburd, and
D. Karr).