Jon Kleinberg
Assistant Professor
PhD MIT, 1996
My research interests are centered around combinatorial algorithms and some of their applications.
One major focus of my work is in the area of combinatorial optimization, and the development of approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems. With Eva Tardos and
Yuval Rabani, I have been looking at approximation algorithms for routing
problems in networks subject to capacity constraints; in recent work we have considered
settings with an explicit fairness requirement on the allocation of bandwidth. I am also interested in the study
of network traffic as a dynamic phenomenon; with Allan
Borodin, Prabhakar Raghavan, Madhu Sudan, and David Williamson, we developed and analyzed an "adversarial"
model for the evolution of traffic in a network, which allows one to study the stability properties of packet-routing
networks without probabilistic assumptions.
Another direction in my work is the use of discrete algorithms for the indexing and clustering of high-dimensional data. I have
developed techniques based on spectral
graph analysis that use the link structure of
hypermedia environments, such as the World Wide Web, for the purpose of identifying
"authoritative" information resources. With
Christos Papadimitriou and Prabhakar
Raghavan, I have been studying a model of
"segmented optimization problems"; this is a
computational framework designed to
address some of the optimization issues
inherent in certain clustering and data mining
operations. With Eva Tardos, I have recently developed approximation algorithms
for a family of classification problems
arising from the theory of Markov
random fields; we are in the process of
exploring further issues in this area
together with Yuri Boykov, Olga
Veksler, and Ramin Zabih.
I am also interested in the development
of geometric and combinatorial
techniques for algorithmic problems in
molecular biology. I am currently
involved in work that adapts
techniques from discrete optimization
to models of protein sequence design
proposed in the biophysics community.
In addition to providing efficient
algorithms, these techniques offer a
novel computational perspective from
which to study the structure of certain
"evolutionary networks" on protein
sequences. At present, I am
investigating various models for
sequence evolution with Ron
The definition of a robust and
efficiently computable notion of
"geometric similarity" on
three-dimensional protein
conformations is also a problem of
considerable interest, and I have been
working on the development of such
measures with Paul Chew, Dan
Huttenlocher and Klara Kedem.
ONR Young Investigator
Alfred P. Sloan Research
NSF Faculty Early Career
Development Award
University Activities
- Chair: Center for Applied
Mathematics Colloquium
- Computer Science Faculty
Recruiting Committee
- Statistical Genomics Faculty
Recruiting Committee.
- Fields of Computer Science,
Applied Math, and Operations
Professional Activities
- Program Committee: ACM
Symposium on Theory of
Computing, 1999; International
World Wide Web Conference,
1999; International Workshop
on Randomization and
Approximation Techniques in
Computer Science, 1999
- Algorithms for protein sequence
design and evolutionary fitness
landscapes. Computer Science,
Univ. of Toronto, May 1999.
—. Computer Science,
Princeton Univ., March 1999.
- Analyzing information networks:
Hubs, authorities, and
communities on the World Wide
Web. AT&T Labs Research,
March 1999.
- —. NEC Research Institute,
March 1999.
- —. Computer Science, State
Univ. of New York at Buffalo,
Dec. 1998.
- —. Computer Science,
Carnegie Mellon, Nov 1998.
—. Computer Science, Univ.
Maryland College Park, Sept..
- Applications of linear algebra in
information retrieval and
hypertext analysis (tutorial).
ACM Principles of Database
Systems, June 1999.
- Nearest-neighbor search in high
dimensions. Computer Science,
Princeton Univ., March 1999.
Wavelength conversion in
optical networks. ACM-SIAM
Symposium on Discrete
Algorithms, Jan. 1999.
Efficient algorithms for protein
sequence design and the
analysis of certain evolutionary
fitness landscapes. Proc. 3rd
Conference on Computational
Molecular Biology (1999),
- Fast detection of common
geometric substructure in
proteins. Proc. 3rd ACM
RECOMB Intl. Conference on
Computational Molecular
Biology (1999), 104-113 (with
L.P. Chew, D. Huttenlocher, K. Kedem).
Hypersearching the web.
Scientific American 280 (June
1999), 54-60 (with S. Chakrabarti, B. Dom, D.
Gibson, S.R. Kumar, P. Raghavan, S. Rajagopalan, and
A. Tomkins).
- Wavelength conversion in
optical networks. Proc. Tenth
ACM-SIAM Symposium on
Discrete Algorithms (1999),
566-575 (with A. Kumar).
Minimizing wirelength in zero
and bounded skew clock trees.
Proc. Tenth ACM-SIAM
Symposium on Discrete
Algorithms (1999), 177-184
(with M. Charikar, R. Kumar,
S. Rajagopalan, A. Sahai, A. Tomkins).
Applications of linear algebra in
information retrieval and
hypertext analysis. Tutorial
survey at the ACM Symposium
on Principles of Database
Systems (1999) (with A. Tomkins).
A micro-economic view of data
mining. Data Mining and
Knowledge Discovery 2
(1998), 311-324 (with C. Papadimitriou and P. Raghavan).
Structural analysis of the
WWW. Position paper at the
WWW Consortium Web
Characterization Workshop,
(1998) (with D. Gibson and P. Raghavan.)
Inferring web communities from
link topology. Proc. 9th ACM
Conference on Hypertext and
Hypermedia (1998), 225-234
(with D. Gibson and P. Raghavan).
- Clustering categorical data: An
approach based on dynamical systems. Proc. 24th Intl. Conf. on
Very Large Databases (1998), 311-322 (with
D. Gibson and P. Raghavan).
Approximations for the disjoint paths problem
in high-diameter planar networks. Journal of
Computer and System Sciences 57 (1998),
61-73 (with E. Tardos).
An improved approximation ratio for the
minimum latency problem. Mathematical
Programming B 82 (1998), 111-124 (with M.