Student Publications
Listed by Author
Aaron, E. Designing
a calculational logic theorem prover: Insight into search procedure via eye movements.
TR98-1680, May 6, 1998 (with M. Spivey).
___. Frequency vs. probability formats: Framing the three doors problem. TR98-1672, April
1, 1998 (with M. Spivey).
Aguilera, M. Correctness proof of Ben-Or's randomized consensus
algorithm. TR98-1682, May 17, 1998 (with S. Toueg).
___. Failure detection and consensus in the crash recovery model. TR98-1676, April 27,
1998 (with W. Chen and S. Toueg).
___. On quiescent reliable communication. TR98-1692, June 18, 1998 (with W. Chen and S.
___. On the weakest failure detector for quiescent reliable communication. TR97-1640, July
18, 1997 (with W. Chen, and S. Toueg).
Student Picnic at
Treman Park |
Caldwell, J. Formal methods
technology-transfer: A view from NASA. Formal Methods in System Design, 12, 2
(March 1998), 125-137.
___. Moving proofs-as-programs into practice. Proc. Twelfth IEEE Int. Conf. Automated
Software Engineering (1997), 10-17.
Chang, C. Building
parallel runtime systems with active messages. Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Parallel
and Distributed Software Engineering, Kyoto, Japan (April 1998) (with G. Czajkowski,
and T. von Eicken).
___. Evaluating the performance limitations of MPMD communication. Proc. ACM/IEEE
Supercomputing (SC97), CD-ROM and http://www.supercomp.org/sc97/program (with
G. Czajkowski, and T. von Eicken).
___. Implementing multiple protection domains in Java. Proc. USENIX Annual Technical
Conf., (June 1998) (with C. Hawblitzel et al.).
Chen, W. Failure detection and
consensus in the crash recovery model. TR98-1676, April 27, 1998 (with M. Aguilera and S.
___. On quiescent reliable communication. TR98-1692. June 18, 1998 (with M. Aguilera and
S. Toueg).
___. On the weakest failure detector for quiescent reliable communication. TR97-1640, July
18, 1997 (with M. Aguilera and S. Toueg).
Crary, K. Admissibility of fixpoint
induction over partial types. Proc. Int. Conf. on Automated Deduction, (1998),
___. From System F to typed assembly language. Proc. of Twenty-fifth ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT
Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, San Diego, CA, (Jan. 1998), 85-97
(with G. Morrisett, D. Walker, and N. Glew).
___. Programming language semantics in foundational type theory. Proc. Int. Conf. on
Programming Concepts and Methods (1998), 107-125.
___. Simple, efficient object encoding using intersection types. TR98-1675, April 23,
___. Stack-based typed assembly language. Proc. Second Int. Workshop on Types in
Compilation, Kyoto, Japan (March 1998), 95-118 (with G. Morrisett, N. Glew and D.
Czajkowski, G. Building parallel
runtime systems with active messages. Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed
Software Engineering, Kyoto, Japan (April 1998) (with C. Chang, and T. von Eicken).
___. Evaluating the performance limitations of MPMD communication. Proc. ACM/IEEE
Supercomputing (SC97), CD-ROM and http://www.supercomp.org/sc97/program (with
C. Chang and T. von Eicken).
___. Implementing multiple protection domains in Java. Proc. USENIX Annual Technical
Conf., June 1998) (with C.Hawblitzel et al.).
___. JRes: A resource accounting interface for Java. TR98-1679, May 1, 1998 (with T. von
Glew, N. From
System F to typed assembly language. Proc. Twenty-fifth ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on
Principles of Programming Languages, San Diego, CA (Jan. 1998), 85-97 (with G.
Morrisett, D. Walker, and K. Crary).
___. Stack-based typed assembly language. Proc. Second Int. Workshop on Types in
Compilation, Kyoto, Japan (March 1998), 95-118 (with G. Morrisett, K. Crary and D.
Guo, K. GSGC: An efficient
gossip-style garbage collection scheme for scalable reliable multicast. TR97-1656, Dec. 3,
1997 (with M. Hayden et al.).
___. Hierarchical message stability tracking protocols. TR97-1647, Sept. 10, 1997 (with R.
van Renesse, W. Vogels, and K. Birman).
___. Moving the Ensemble communication system to NT and Wolfpack. Proc. USENIX Windows
NT Workshop, (Aug. 1997) (with K. Birman et al.).
___. Scalable message stability detection protocols. TR98-1684, May 22, 1998.
Hafizogullari, O.
Dead code elimination through type inference. TR98-1673, April 2, 1998 (with C. Kreitz).
Hawblitzel, C. A case for
language-based protection. TR98-1670, March 17, 1998 (with T. von Eicken).
___. Implementing multiple protection domains in Java. Proc. USENIX Annual Technical
Conf., (June 1998) (with C. Chang et al.).
Hayden, M. Bimodal multicast.
TR98-1683, May 18, 1998 (with K. Birman et al.).
___. Building adaptive systems using Ensemble. TR97-1638, July 16, 1997 (with R. van
Renesse et al.).
___. Distributed communication in ML. TR97-1652, Nov. 11, 1997.
___. Dynamic virtual private networks. TR97-1654, Nov. 26, 1997 (with O. Rodeh and K.
Birman). ___. The Ensemble system. TR98-1662, Jan. 8, 1998.
___. GSGC: An efficient gossip-style garbage collection scheme for scalable reliable
multicast. TR97-1656, Dec. 3, 1997 (with K. Guo et al.).
___. A gossip-style failure detection service. TR98-1687, May 28, 1998 (with R. van
Renesse and Y. Minsky).
___. Moving the Ensemble communication system to NT and Wolfpack. Proc. USENIX Windows
NT Workshop (Aug. 1997) (with K. Birman et al.).
Hickey, T. Moving the Ensemble
communication system to NT and Wolfpack. Proc. USENIX Windows NT Workshop (Aug.
1997) (with K. Birman et al.).
Hu, D. Implementing multiple
protection domains in Java. Proc. USENIX Annual Technical Conf. (June 1998) (with
C.Hawblitzel et al.).
Huang, J. Combining supervised
learning with color correlograms for content-based image retrieval. Proc. of Fifth ACM
Int. Conf. Multimedia (Nov. 1997) (with S. Kumar, and M. Mitra).
___. Spatial color indexing and its applications. Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Vision
(Jan. 1998) (with S. Kumar, M. Mitra, and W. Zhu).
Kumar, A.
Wavelength conversion in optical networks. TR98-1677, April 28, 1998 (with J. Kleinberg).
Mardis, S. Proposal
for a framework for the high-precision identification of linguistic relationships.
TR97-1653, Nov. 20, 1997 (with C. Cardie).
Mayr, T. Secure and portable
database extensibility. Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. on Management of Data, SIGMOD
Record 27, 2 (June 1998), 390-401 (with M.Godfrey, P. Seshadri and T.
von Eicken).
Minsky, Y. Bimodal multicast.
TR98-1683, May 18, 1998 (with K. Birman et al.).
___. A gossip-style failure detection service. TR98-1687, May 28, 1998 (with R. van
Renesse, M. Hayden).
Mitra, M. Combining supervised
learning with color correlograms for content-based image retrieval. Proc. Fifth ACM
Int. Conf. on Multimedia (Nov. 1997) (with J. Huang and S. Kumar).
___. Spatial color indexing and its applications. Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Vision
(Jan. 1998) (with J. Huang, S. Kumar, and W. Zhu).
Naumov, P.
Publishing formal mathematics on the web. TR98-1689, June 9, 1998.
Nogin, A. Improving the efficiency of Nuprl proofs.
TR97-1643, Aug. 11, 1997.
Vaysburd, A. Building adaptive
systems using Ensemble. TR97-1638, July 16, 1997 (with R. van Renesse et al.).
___. Building reliable adaptive distributed objects with the Maestro tools. Workshop on
Dependable Distributed Object Systems, OOPSLA'97, Atlanta, Georgia, (Oct. 1997) (with
K. Birman).
___. Building reliable interoperable distributed objects with the Maestro tools.
TR98-1678, April 24, 1998.
___. Fast replicated state machines over partionable networks. Proc. of the IEEE
Sixteenth Int. Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (Oct. 1997) (with R.
___. High-performance replicated distributed objects in partitionable environments.
TR97-1639, July 16, 1997 (with R. Friedman).
___. The Maestro approach to building reliable interoperable distributed applications with
multiple execution styles. Theory and Practice of Object Systems, 4, 2,
(1998) (with K. Birman).
___. Moving the Ensemble communication system to NT and Wolfpack. Proc. USENIX Windows
NT Workshop, (Aug. 1997) (with K. Birman et al.).
Veksler, O. Markov
random fields with efficient approximations. TR97-1658, Dec. 3, 1997 (with Y. Boykov and
R. Zabih).
___. A variable window approach to early vision. TR97-1657, Dec. 3, 1997 (with Boykov, Y.
and R. Zabih).
Verma, A. ADMIT-1: Automatic
differentiation and MATLAB interface toolbox. TR98-1663, Jan. 9, 1998 (with T. Coleman).
___. Structured automatic differentiation. TR98-1681, May 12, 1998.
Viswanath, D. Random Fibonacci
sequences and the number 1.13198824
. TR97-1650, Oct. 1, 1997. Xiao, Z. Bimodal
multicast. TR98-1683, May 18, 1998 (with K. Birman et al.).
Walker, D. From System F to typed
assembly language. Proc. Twenty-fifth ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of
Programming Languages, San Diego, CA (Jan. 1998), 85-97 (with G. Morrisett, K. Crary,
and N. Glew).
___. Stack-based typed assembly language. Proc. of Second Int. Workshop on Types in
Compilation, Kyoto, Japan, (March 1998), 95-118 (with G. Morrisett, K. Crary, and N.
Xio, Z. Bimodal, mulitcast.
TR98-1683, May 18, 1998 (with K. Birman et al.). |