Electrical Engineering
Computer Science and Electrical Engineering have
significantly increased their collaborations and joint planning activities in recent
years. These research and curriculum development activities are focused primarily in the
broad area of computer engineering and systems. Recent hires in both units-Zygmunt Haas,
Sheila Hemami, Srinivasan Keshav, Brian Smith, Thorsten von Eicken, Steve Wicker, and
Ramin Zabih-are building joint research programs as well as expanding existing research
projects. Efforts include establishing a joint visual communications lab and exploring
various aspects of mobile computing. This year, the departments worked together on faculty
recruiting, and the incoming EE faculty members are likely to contribute further toward
this collaborative atmosphere. Interdepartmental efforts include joint curriculum
development. For example, Hemami (EE) and Zabih (CS) co-taught a seminar on visual motion,
which was cross-listed in both departments. Next year, we will be investigating
possibilities for joint degree programs in computer engineering and related areas. |