Colloquium and Seminar Speakers
September 1997
John McLean, Center for High Assurance Computer
Systems, Naval Research Laboratory. Software engineering for secure computer systems.
Steven Bellovin, AT&T Labs Research. Probable
plaintext cryptanalysis of the IP security protocols.
Tom Coleman, Director, Center for Applied
Mathematics, Cornell. How to differentiate by colo(u)ring graphs.
Thomas G. Dietterich, Computer Science, Oregon State
Univ. Ensemble methods in machine learning.
October 1997
Prabhakar Raghavan, IBM Almaden Research Center. Mining
information networks: The CLEVER project at IBM Almaden.
Jon G. Riecke, Bell Laboratories, Lucent
Technologies. The secure lambda calculus: Programming with integrity and secrecy.
Leslie Lamport, Digital Systems Research Center. Should
your specification language be typed?
Thomas Reps, Computer Science, Wisconsin.
Program analysis via graph reachability.
November 1997
Joan Feigenbaum, AT&T Labs. Compliance
checking in the PolicyMaker Trust Management System.
Alejandro Schaffer, National Human Genome Research
Inst. (NIH). Genetic linkage analysis.
Mike Reiter, AT&T Labs Research. Crowds:
Anonymity for web transactions.
December 1997
Chris Small, Harvard. Characterization of
dynamically extensible systems.
Rick Schantz, BBN. Quality Objects: The next big
advance in distributed computing middle-ware.
February 1998
David Clark, Computer Science, MIT. Controlling
the internet.
Shree K. Nayar, Computer Science, Columbia. Omnidirectional
Scott Shenker, Xerox PARC. Game theory and
computer networks.
March 1998
Wim Sweldens, Bell Lab, Lucent Technologies. Second
generation wavelets: Theory and applications.
Margo Seltzer, Engineering and Applied Science,
Harvard. Issues and challenges in extensible operating systems.
Craig Nevill-Manning, Biochemistry, Stanford. Inferring
sequence motifs that predict protein function.
Andrew Myers, Computer Science, MIT. Protecting
privacy with mostly static analysis.
Dan Wallach, Computer Science, Princeton. A new
approach to mobile code security.
April 1998
Sudarshan S. Chawathe, Computer Science, Stanford. Managing
change in autonomous databases.
Hari Balakrishnan, Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, UC Berkeley. Three challenges to reliable data transport over
heterogeneous wireless networks.
George Necula, Computer Science, CMU. Compiling
with proofs.
Mehran Sahami, Computer Science, Stanford. Us
ing machine learning to improve information
Brian Noble, Computer Science, CMU. Mobile data
Randolph Wang, Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, UC Berkeley. Surviving the I/O blind spots.
Dawson R. Engler, Computer Science, MIT. Exokernels
(or how to make the OS just another application library).
Philip Korn, University of Maryland. Indexing and
mining multimedia databases.
Anthony Tomasic, INRIA Rocquencourt & Dyade. Parachute
May 1998
Christoph Bregler, Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, UC Berkeley. Models of human motion: Tracking, learning, and
animating people. |