Corporate Interactions

Industial Partnerships

The department offers opportunities to interact on a number of levels with internationally respected scientists in such vital areas as:

Industrial partners are invited to participate directly in the technology development process, through on-campus representation, visits, and consulting arrangements. Additional opportunities include access to technical reports, colloquiums and seminars, the Department's annual report, and resumes submitted by B.A., B.S., M.S., M.Eng., and Ph.D. candidates expecting to graduate.

Computer Science faculty and researchers are actively collaborating with industrial partners. Significant new activities were funded this year by Intel, Microsoft, and Peoplesoft. Intel has been an active research partner for a number of years. Its current donation of 75 workstations expands and upgrades the department's instructional facility and enhances undergraduate curriculum development. Microsoft's commitment to provide up to 40 Windows systems with development tools and related training each year for the next five years is very important to the success of the department's transition to a Windows research platform. This move to a PC platform provides an infrastructure that will allow Computer Science researchers to exploit opportunities presented by recent technological developments and the booming commercial software industry.

CEO of Peoplesoft David Duffield's recent one million dollar gift will support development of a joint Electrical Engineering/Computer Science Information Technology Laboratory. Information technology, including networking, is a priority research area for both Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. The planned new laboratory will serve to make state-of-the-art equipment available for innovative teaching and leading-edge research in information technology, one of the college's strategic priorities. The lab will also assist the computer science department in its goal of maintaining the balance of theory and practice: experimentally validating theoretical insights and building systems based on fundamental results. Finally, the lab will provide enhanced opportunities for interdisciplinary activities and cooperative projects with outside industrial partners.

This gift, with continuing support from GTE and AT&T, funds an expanding joint information technology research program that includes a combination of eight current faculty and three new hires in both departments: Srinivasan Keshav in networking, Praveen Seshadri in databases, and Stephen Wicker in wireless systems.

Industial Partners, 1995-1996

We remain grateful for their ongoing support of our research and instructional activities. These industrial partnerships are a vital part of life in this department, and we value them.

Inquiries about industrial partnerships may be addressed to:

Computer Science Partnerships
Department of Computer Science
4130 Upson Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York 14853

Telephone: (607) 255-7316
Fax: (607) 255-4428

Corporate Gifts and Grants

The Department is grateful for the support, including equipment,* provided by members of the Partnership for Computer Science Program.

We also thank the companies that provided our students with graduate fellowships: GTE and Hertz Foundation.

Other Gifts

We are grateful to David Duffield, CEO of Peoplesoft, for his generous gift of $1,000,000 to build a joint laboratory for the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science information technology initiative.

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