Faculty Personnel Changes

New Faculty, Spring 2002

Jeanna Neefe Matthews joined the department in January of 2002 as an assistant professor. She received her Ph.D. in computer science from the University of California at Berkeley in 2000. Her main research interests are file systems, storage systems and more generally operating systems and distributed systems. She has been working on improving file system performance with adaptive methods.

Radu Rugina also joined the CS faculty in 2002 as an assistant professor. He obtained his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Califrnia, Santa barbara in 2001. His research interests lie in the area of programming languages and compiler support for program understanding, maintaining and debugging; for checking safety properties of programs; and for program transformations and optimizations.

New Faculty, Fall 2002

Kavita Bala joined the CS department as an assistant professor in fall, 2002. She received her Ph.D. in computer sceince from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and then joined the Cornell Program of Computer Graphics as a post-doctoral researcher.  Bala's research is in the area of computer graphics; her research interets include lgorithms and systems for interactive rendering, image-based modeling and rendering, and augmented reality.

Steve Marschner joined the department as an assistant professor in fall 2002. He obtained his Ph.D. from Cornell in 1998. He has held research positions at Hewlett-Packard Labs, Microsoft Research, and Stanford University before joining the CS faculty. His research interests are in the field of computer graphics, focusing on realistic rendering, digital photography, and high-resolution geomettic modeling.

Steve Vavasis was awarded the title of full professor. Ron Elber was granted tenure in November 2001. Greg Morrisett received tenure in July 2001. He was also awarded the title associate professor. Jon Kleinberg received tenure in July of 2001. He was also awarded the title associate professor.

Sabbaticals and Leaves

On leave

Ramin Zabih, Tim Teitelbaum and Al Demers are away on leave. Dan Huttenlocher, also away on leave, returned in July 2002.

Claire Cardie, Thomas Coleman, Joseph Halpern were all on sabbatic leaves in 2001-2002.