Lectures and Notes
Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Lecture 3, Video Part 1 | Lecture 3, Video Part 2 | Lecture 3, Video Part 3 | Lecture 3, Video Part 4
- Scribed notes forthcoming
Lecture 4
The following are papers mentioned during the lectures.
Homework problems
Suppose that we extended our IMP language with first order functions with a single integer argument and result. Our programs would start with a series of function (really, procedure) declarations and then give a "main program" command:
f1(x1) { c1; return a1 } f2(x2) { c2; return a2 } ... fn(xn) { cn; return an } c
We extend commands to include procedure calls:
c ::= ... | x1
Let's extend the type system to handle these procedures. We need to add bindings to our context Γ, giving the type of the procedures
. The security types of the procedures need to include three components. Two are obvious: the label of the argument and the label of the result. The third is an upper bound on the pc label at the caller. Let's write Γ(f) = la→pc lr to represent these three components.Give a typing rule for checking procedure declarations.
Give a typing rule for checking procedure calls.
Use your rules to show that the following insecure programs cannot type-check for any type of f, assuming li:L and h:H and H⋢L:
f(x) { l3 := true; return l3 } if (h) { l1 := f(l2) }
f(x) { skip; return x } l1 := f(h)
- Prove the high-pc lemma mentioned in the course notes for Lecture 2. Hint: use the same induction principle as for the main noninterference proof.