Cornell Systems LunchCS 7490 Spring 2025
The Systems Lunch is a seminar for discussing recent, interesting papers in the systems area, broadly defined to span operating systems, distributed systems, networking, architecture, databases, and programming languages. The goal is to foster technical discussions among the Cornell systems research community. We meet once a week on Fridays at 12:20 AM Gates 114 and Bloomberg 201. The systems lunch is open to all Cornell Ph.D. students interested in systems. First-year graduate students are especially welcome. Non-Ph.D. students have to obtain permission from the instructor. Student participants are expected to sign up for CS 7490, Systems Research Seminar, for one credit. To join the systems lunch mailing list please send an empty message to with the subject line "join". More detailed instructions can be found here. Links to papers and abstracts below are unlikely to work outside the Cornell CS firewall. If you have trouble viewing them, this is the likely cause. The Zoom link is The Google calendar link is here. Consider bringing your own plate/bowl, dinnerware, and reusable water bottle. |
Other semesters: |
Date | Paper | Presenter |
January 24 | Organizational meeting |
Alex and Hakim |
January 31 | Towards Swap-Free, Continuous Ballooning for Fast, Cloud-Based Virtual Machine Migrations Kevin Negy, Tyco Nightingale, Hakim Weatherspoon, Zhiming Shen SoCC 2024 |
Kevin Negy |
February 7 | Suraaj Sureshkannan | |
February 14 | Ben Landrum | |
February 21 | Shouxu Lin | |
February 28 | Yueying (Lisa) Li | |
March 7 | Tanmaey Gupta | |
March 14 | James Austgen | |
March 21 | Abhishek Kumar | |
March 28 | Sam Breckenridge | |
April 4 | No Lecture -- Spring Break |
April 11 | No Lecture -- ACSU |
April 18 | Alicia Wang | |
April 25 | Austin Li | |
May 2 | Muhammad Abid | |
May 9 |