The critical deformation parameter is, in this case, the relative angle of deformation of the normal to the secondary mirror. This tolerance ensures that the optical path will be within specification.
First we calculate the maximum possible accelerations of each of the components using a rigid body dynamics model of the seeker assembly. Inputs to this problem (i.e., the rigid body problem) are thus the geometric shapes, mass property parameters, the kinematic relations between the components, and maximum motor torques and external forces. Experiments are then performed to determine the maximum possible accelerations for each rigid body component.
The second stage of the analysis uses the accelerations determined in the rigid body analysis, together with the (local) mass properties of the components to define a loading function for a finite element analysis of the spider assembly. That is, for each finite element, the intertial forces are calculated by integrating the product of mass and the acceleration over the volume of the element. The resulting FEM problem is solved and the maximum deformations thus calculated.
A primary design goal of the SimLab environment is to represent a variety of mathematical and physical models in a uniform framework -- a framework that represents the higher level semantics of the components. In the case of SimLab, the environment is capable of representing algebraic objects, operations and transformations using the Weyl/SPL Transformation Environment. Beyond algebraic computation, discrete topological computation is supported, both for creating Guaranteed Quality Meshes , as required for solving distributed parameter problems, and for the Chains Programming Language, which enables algebraic specification of physical problems in terms of discrete topological objects such as cell complexes and k-chains. The scenario illustrates how these concepts can be used in concert as a problem solving environment to address the problem of maximum deformation in the spider assembly.
The geometry data was aquired in the form of triangulated boundaries of solids, which were created by Alpha_1, an integrated graphics, design, modeling and manufacturing system which is being used as the design tool for the mechanical parts in this project. Alpha_1 created the data files in a format suitable as input to a stereolithography system. In order to use the data within SimLab, the data files were translated to a standard representation, which can be used by all components of the SimLab environment. This translation, however, is only the first required. Because the the original triangulation was created for stereolithography, the shapes of the triangles are not optimal for performing analysis. In particular, triangles with poor aspect ratios are known to give poor performance in finite element analyses. The following snapshot from of the original spider mesh illustrates a part of the Alpha_1 triangulation, showing triangles with very large aspect ratios.
So the first step is to re-triangulate the surfaces, using the guaranteed quality mesher. This may be done by computing (an approximation to) the C1 discontinuitites in the surface, partitioning the surface by them, and computing the boundaries of the resulting open sets. This is illustated in the following image.
This is done using topological computations in Chains. The following illustration shows a single surface computed by these methods, together with its boundary. The triangulation shown is a subset of the original triangulation received from Alpha_1.
These boundaries are then passed to the mesher , which computes a Delaunay
triangulation of each of the surfaces. In this case, the resulting
mesh looks as follows. (Note that there are fewer triangles now, and
that they have good aspect ratios.)