Version 0.95 WindowsNT Download

In order to work with PREDATOR, you will need Microsoft Developer Studio 97 with VC++ 5.0 and VJ++ 1.1 on WindownsNT4.0 or higher. If you cannot afford these products, you can request a software grant from Microsoft. You can contact Todd Needham at Microsoft with your request and a short description of your research interest in PREDATOR.

In order to compile and run correctly, the system requires some utilities to be installed on your system. We have attempted to package as many of these as possible along with our pre-release V0.95. Due to licensing restrictions, we cannot package Sun's JDK along with our release although it is needed. You will need to download this and install it yourselves. You will also need to make sure that the P: and Q: (virtual) drives of your machine are not in use. Both these drives will be mapped to components of the system.

We caution that V0.95 uses a buggy port of the Shore Storage Manager (we believe probable bugs to be in the concurrency control). We expect to fix these problems by V1.0.

The quick steps in setting up your installation of PREDATOR are listed below. Please follow all these instructions CAREFULLY without skipping over any.

  1. Create a directory called "predator" where you wish to install the system.
  2. Download the ZIP file into the "predator" directory. You will be prompted for a username and password (which you should have received by email upon accepting the license agreement).
  3. Unzip (you will probably need WinZip installed on your machine to do this). This extracts the entire installation.
  4. Edit the file envvar.cmd to change USER_CHECKOUT_ROOT to the fullpath of the root directory of the installation (which is where you should currently be).
  5. Edit the file setvar.cmd to similarly change USER_CHECKOUT_ROOT to the fullpath of the root directory of the installation (which is where you should currently be). Also edit the following settings described below:
    Variable NameSetting
    JDKPATH The path to your installation of Sun's JDK. You will need JDK1.1.4 or higher.
    MSDEV_EXE The full path to your Microsoft Developer Studio executable.

  6. Run (or double-click on) prednt.cmd. This will create virtual drives P: and Q:, set environment variables and open up a DevStudio workspace (P:\nt_proj\PRED.dsw).
  7. All the components of the system are projects within this workspace. Most of the necessary project settings are made already, but a few have to be done by hand. Open the file P:\VCSettings.txt and follow the instructions.
  8. Set predroot as the active project and build it (F7 key). This is a dummy project that has dependencies on all the other projects in the workspace, thereby building the whole system. predserver is the top-level server, txtclient and JClient are command-shell clients, cgisql and JGui make graphical client applications, and regression is the regression tester.
  9. Your installation should compile successfully although you may have a number of warnings (most of these are about long method names affecting browse information). Next, you should run regression tests to make sure that the system is running as expected.
Actually, there are a few variants to the setup that you may care to explore once you are familiar with the system:
  1. There are actually several variables in P:\setvar.cmd that you may like to change. These variables are only important during actual runtime execution of the server.
    Variable NameSetting
    XXXSHOREDEFDEVPATHThe desired location of your "default disk". This is the file used by ADTs as a storage volume. For instance, images and audio objects are stored in this file. The default value is C:\temp\defdisk. Try to place your "default disk" on a local file system.
    XXXSHOREDEFDEVSIZE The size of your defdisk, in kilobytes. A good starting size is 70000.
    XXXSHORERELDISKPATH The desired location of your relational data "disk". This is the file used to store relational data. A good starting value is C:\temp\reldisk. Try to place your "relational disk" on a local file system.
    XXXSHORERELDISKSIZE The size of your reldisk, in kilobytes. A good starting size is 10000.
    XXXSHORELOGDIR The directory in which SHORE will store its log files. The default value is C:\temp\%USERNAME%log. Try to place your log files on a local disk.
    XXXTMPDATADIR The directory into which the database server will write out temporary files such as images and query processing information.

  2. If you work a lot from command shells (say from Emacs), you may prefer the following alternative to prednt.cmd

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