Version 0.95 Solaris Download

In order to compile and run correctly, the system requires several utilities to be installed on your system and in your path. If you do not have them, the following table will tell you where you can download them -- make sure to add them to your path. Specifically, it is IMPORTANT that Gnu make is ahead of /usr/bin/make in your path.

The GNU C++ preprocessor/compiler/linker package (version 2.7.2)
The GNU make utility
Sun's JDK distribution (version 1.1.4 or higher)
GNU's Flex Lexer (version 2.5.3 or higher)
GNU's Bison Parser (version 1.25 or higher)

Follow the steps below to set up the system. This is the "quick-and-easy" version of the installation instruction to get you started. Later on this page, there is information on other settings that can be made to customize the system.

  1. Make sure you are on a Sparc running Solaris 2.5. You can make sure of this by typing uname -a.
  2. Create the directory, called PREDATOR, where you wish to unpack the distribution. 'cd' into this directory.
  3. Download the tar file predator.tar.gz. You will be prompted for a username and password (which you should have received by email upon accepting the license agreement).
  4. Decompress the tar file as follows:
          gzip -dc predator.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
    This will unpack the distribution, creating a directory tree with some subdirectories. 'cd' into the code subdirectory
  5. Edit the file make_include.utilities, which is a macro-definition file for make, to correctly point to the above utilities. The variables you must redefine are MAKE, GCCINSTALL, GCCINCLUDES, FLEXHOME, FLEXVERSION, BISONHOME, and BISONVERSION.
  6. PREDATOR requires some environment variables to be set during runtime and compilation. The cshrc.setvar file in this directory defines these variables, some of which you will have to modify. Make the changes and copy the entire file into your .cshrc file (or add a line to your .cshrc file which sources cshrc.setvar). Then source your .cshrc file before proceeding. Below is a table of the variables you should change and their meanings:

    Variable NameMeaning
    XXX_INSTALLROOTA path to the root of the installation. By convention, this should point to a directory called PREDATOR where you unpacked your distribution.
    XXXSHORELOGDIR The directory in which SHORE will store its log files. This directory MUST exist and be writeable. Try to place your log files on a local disk. You MUST define this variable.
    XXXTMPDATADIR The directory is used by the server for temporary files and query processing information. This directory MUST exist and be writeable. You MUST define this variable.
    XXX_JDK Location of your JDK installation.

    Note: The string "XXX" in this document really means "XXX". Do not subsitute with other strings.

  7. Run script to capture the screen output of your installation process. This will help us debug your installation in case something goes wrong.
  8. Check that the default 'make' in your path is Gnu Make. Check that your current working directory is code. Then type make Compilation is a lengthy process (approximately 30--60 minutes on a SparcStation 20). If you like, you can exploit the parallel make feature of Gnu Make. For example, you can compile three files in parallel using make -j 3 . We recommend this for faster compilation. You will receive an e-mail informing you if the compilation was successful. There may be several warning messages which you can typically ignore.
  9. When your installation compiles successfully, you should run regression tests to make sure that the system is running as expected.

There are some further settings you can make to modify the behavior of PREDATOR.

Trouble Shooting

If you have compilation problems, it is probably because one of the necessary utilities was not available or was improperly specified. Try to fix the problem from the error message, check our FAQ or send us mail with the typescript file and a description of the problem. On subsequent attempts at compilation, you should cd to $XXXROOT/code and type 'make' there.
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