Release 0.1

Version 0.1 was released in August 1997. It runs only on Sparc/Solaris2.5.

What is Included

PREDATOR V0.1 is distributed in source form. Unpacking the distribution will create a directory hierarchy which can be used to install multiple copies of PREDATOR, each sharing a common codebase controlled by RCS. After the distribution is unpacked, you can install a copy of the system by following these instructions. The current release only compiles on Sparc machines running Solaris 2.5 (and more recent Solaris versions).

Included in this V0.1 distribution of PREDATOR are:

  1. the system codebase (C++ and Java sources)
  2. SHORE version 1.1 pre-release (only binaries and header files used by Predator). The complete and accurate version 1.1 is available at
  3. Portions of the JClass Table Libraries ( from the KL Group)
  4. The httpd daemon web server from the WWW Consortium. You can use any other web server instead.
  5. IJG's JPEG Library


You will need about 50MB of disk space to download the system. When you compile the system, you may need another 50MB of disk, depending on the compile flags that you set. Much of this can be reclaimed after compilation by deleting the object files and libraries. When you actually run PREDATOR, you will also need disk space for the actual storage of data -- the space used is controlled by environment variables that you specify.

Stage 1

To download the distribution and unpack it:
  1. Create the directory, called PREDATOR, where you wish to unpack the distribution. (Please use all caps.) For installations of this distribution, the variable PREDATOR_LAIR must be a path to this directory. (See Installation later for details.)
  2. Download the distribution into the PREDATOR directory (approx. 12 MB compressed, 50MB uncompressed).
  3. In your PREDATOR directory, decompress the distribution by typing
          gzip -dc predator.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
    This will unpack the PREDATOR distribution, creating multiple directories. One of these directories is xxx, which is the root of the RCS hierarchy of source files.

Stage 2

The distribution requires several key utilities to compile and operate correctly. If you do not have them, the following table will tell you where you can download them.

The GNU C++ preprocessor/compiler/linker package (version 2.7.2)
The GNU make utility
Sun's JDK distribution (version 1.1.2 or higher)
RCS Source control utility
GNU's Flex Lexer (version 2.5.3 or higher)
GNU's Bison Parser (version 1.25 or higher)
GNU's Perl Compiler

Once you have located all of the above utilities, you will need to modify one or more configuration files as follows:

  1. In the directory called PREDATOR in which you unzipped the distribution, type the following commands:
    cd xxx/code
    co -l make_include.utilities
    You should see the response
    RCS/make_include.utilities,v  -->  make_include.utilities
    revision 1.1 (locked)
    Now edit the file make_include.utilities, which is a macro-definition file for make, to correctly point to the above utilities. The variables you must redefine are JDK, MAKE, RCS, CO, CI, GCCINSTALL, GCCINCLUDES, FLEXHOME, BISONHOME, and PERLDIR. When you are done, check in the file by typing
    ci make_include.utilities
    and entering "configuration" as the check-in message.

  2. The release setup defaults to building a debug non-optimized version of Predator. If you are happy with this, skip this section. If you wish to change this behavior, do the following in the directory called PREDATOR in which you unzipped the distribution:
    cd xxx/code
    co -l make_include.config
    Then change the lines
    Save these changes by typing
    ci make_include.config
    and entering "configuration" as the check-in message.

  3. An optimized version of the SHORE libraries is used by default. If you are happy with this, skip this section. You may change this to a debugging version (or to any updated version of SHORE you've obtained) by editing make_include.components. If you plan to recompile your own SHORE libraries, download SHORE version 1.1 from Wisconsin. You probably do not need to do this in most cases. If you need to edit make_include.components, type
    co -l make_include.components
    Comment out the [relevant parts of the] following by prefixing a # before each line you wish to change
    ### This set is for a optimized version of SHORE
    SHORELIBS=-lsm -lcommon -lst -lfc -lm -lg++
    and set the variables SHORESRCDIR, SHOREINCLUDES, SHORELIBPATH, SHORELIBS, SHOREFLAGS to their new values.

    Save these changes by typing

    ci make_include.components
    and entering "configuration" as the check-in message.

Stage 3

Now you are ready to create one or more installations of PREDATOR.
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