"PREDATOR" is a simple wrapper script that checks that the various environment variables are specified before calling the server executable. If you like, you can directly invoke the server, bypassing the checks:PREDATOR [Port Number] <-s [SHORE buffer manager size (in 8KB pages)]> <-t [delay for temp file delete (in msecs)]> <-c [classpath for server Java classes]>
You must specify the port number (above 1024) on which the server will accept client connections. The other parameters are optional and we'll describe their use later. Although the default buffer size is 100 pages, we recommend running with at least 1000 pages of buffer. On Solaris, the buffer is created in shared memory space, so there may be restrictions on how large you can make your buffer pool. A relatively easy system configuration change ensures that enough shared memory exists (see the FAQ) . On WindowsNT, this is usually not a problem. Do not run the server as a background process since it needs to be able to access its input and output streams for a server monitor.predserver [Port Number] <-s [SHORE buffer manager size (in 8KB pages)]> <-t [delay for temp file delete (in msecs)]> <-c [classpath for server Java classes]>
When you start the server, a few diagnostic messages will be printed to the window indicating that the defdisk and reldisk are created and mounted. Finally, you should see the following prompt: "XXXSERV>". This indicates that the server is properly started. You can perform a safe shutdown of the server by typing "shutdown" at the monitor prompt. The server will not shutdown if active clients are connected. If you have problems getting this far, check our FAQ for explanations.
Do not run more than one server at the same time with the same environment settings! They will both try to access the same data and will corrupt the disks and logs.