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Class reflector.Reflector


public class Reflector
extends Thread
This class implements a reflector object. A reflector routes socket connections from one machine to another. These are used to permit applets to connect to sockets on machines different from the machine from which they were downloaded.

Variable Index

 o ServicePort
 o Site

Constructor Index

 o Reflector(int, ServerSite)
Initializes a reflector to accept a connection on the supplied service port and route it to the supplied service site.

Method Index

 o main(String[])
 o run()
The thread's run function.


 o ServicePort
 protected int ServicePort
 o Site
 protected ServerSite Site


 o Reflector
 public Reflector(int ServicePort,
                  ServerSite Site)
Initializes a reflector to accept a connection on the supplied service port and route it to the supplied service site.


 o run
 public void run()
The thread's run function.

run in class Thread
 o main
 public static void main(String args[])

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