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Class PREDATOR.InternalError


public class InternalError
extends Error
The error thrown when an internal error arises in the PREDATOR and PREDATOR.ADT packages. This error always signifies a bug, and should never be caught. If this error is thrown in your application, please contact PREDATOR support.

Constructor Index

 o InternalError(Exception)
Constructs an InternalError from a caught exception.
 o InternalError(String)
Constructs an InternalError with a detail message.

Method Index

 o printStackTrace()
Prints the stack trace of this internal error on the error stream.
 o printStackTrace(PrintStream)
Prints the stack trace of this internal error on the supplied PrintStream.


 o InternalError
 public InternalError(String Reason)
Constructs an InternalError with a detail message.

 o InternalError
 public InternalError(Exception X)
Constructs an InternalError from a caught exception.


 o printStackTrace
 public void printStackTrace(PrintStream s)
Prints the stack trace of this internal error on the supplied PrintStream.

printStackTrace in class Throwable
 o printStackTrace
 public void printStackTrace()
Prints the stack trace of this internal error on the error stream.

printStackTrace in class Throwable

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