[Nov 22] Homework 5 is graded. Papers can be retrieved from Upson 360 starting Wed. Nov 23. Grades and a solution set will be available then through CMS shortly.
[Nov 21] Please complete the on-line course evaluation for this class. This will count as an "extra credit" assignment for those who do; those who don't will receive negative extra credit.
[Nov 21] Project demo updates:
[Nov 1] Room change. Starting Monday Nov 7, lectures will move back to meeting in Upson 111.
[Nov 1] Homework 4 is graded. Papers can be retrieved from Upson 360 from 10:00am-12:00pm and 2:00pm-4:00pm (only). A solution set will be available then through CMS.
[Oct 27] Students seeking assistance on HW5 (Information Flow) are advised that Michael Clarkson will conduct office hours (in Upson 4112) on Wed 11/2 (1:30-3:30) and Tues 11/8 (12:30-2:30). Note changed venue and times from usual office hours.
[Oct 27] CS513 student Shantanu Shah has started a blog with pointers to relevant security-news stories. It appears at http://cs513.blogspot.com. You might find it interesting.
[Oct 19] Homework 3 is graded. Papers can be retrieved from Upson 360 starting THURSDAY from 10:00am-12:00pm and 2:00pm-4:00pm (only). A solution set will be available then through CMS.
Archive of old announcements.
Shantanu Shah's blog of relevant security news.
Click here for details about deliverables for each phase.