Course Overview

CS 4410 - Systems Programming and Operating Systems

CS 4410 covers systems programming and introductory operating system design and implementation. We will cover the basics of operating systems, namely structure, concurrency, scheduling, synchronization, memory management, filesystems, security and networking. Prerequisites: CS 4410 is open to any undergraduate who has mastered the material in CS3410/ECE3140. Students enrolled in 4410 this fall can also choose to take 4411 and complete the practicum project (see below). This is highly recommended.



4410 meets every Tuesday and Thursday at 2:55pm-4:10pm in Ives 305.


There will be two prelims, scheduled for the following dates and times:

You do not need to email us to take the makeup exam. You may not leave the makeup exam early for any reason.

Prelims and finals are closed-book. No electronic devices are allowed. For more information on dates and times please check the registrar's exam schedules.

Practice prelims: Fall 2013 Prelim 1, Fall 2013 Prelim 2, Fall 2011 Prelim 1, Fall 2012 Prelim 2

Final Exam

The Final exam will be held at 7pm on Wednesday, December 9. The location is not yet known.
There is no makeup for the final.
Luckily, there is no way any other course you are enrolled in can have a conflicting final date and time.

