Karthik Sridharan

Associate Professor

Cornell University

About Me:

I am currently an Associate Professor at the department of Computer Science at Cornell University. Prior to that I was a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Pennsylvania, jointly with Alexander Rakhlin and Michael Kearns. I obtained my PhD from Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago where my thesis advisor was Nathan Srebro. My primary area of research is theoretical machine learning.

Current Students:

  1. August Chen, Co-advised with Ahmed El Alaoui, Department of Computer Science, Cornell University
  2. Linda Lu, Department of Computer Science, Cornell University
  3. Wilson Yoo, Department of Computer Science, Cornell University

Past Students:

  1. Ayush Sekhari, Co-advised with Prof. Robert D. Kleinberg, Currently a Postdoctoral Research Scholar at MIT with Alexander Rakhlin
  2. Chuan Guo, Co-advised with Prof. Kilian Weinberger, Currently a Research Scientist at Facebook AI Research
  3. Dylan Foster, senior researcher at Microsoft Research, New England.

Email: sridharan at cs dot cornell dot edu