Stavros Nikolaou Graduate Student Department of Computer Science Cornell University E-Mail: snikolaou[AT]cs[DOT]cornell[DOT]edu |
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413 Gates Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853 |
Curriculum Vitae (updated September 2015) |
I am a PhD candidate in the Department of
Computer Science at Cornell University. My research interests lie in
Distributed Systems and more specifically in their scalability and
self-organization aspects.
I am also interested in Algorithms, especially those designed for
distributed computation. My advisor is Robbert van Renesse and
we are currently working on the moving target defense problem and how we can improve a system's fault-tolerance by introducing dynamicity at the protocol level.
In the past, we have worked on cache placement strategies for cooperative caches in the context of online social networks.
My committee also includes Prof.
Johannes Gehrke, Prof. Dexter Kozen and Prof.
Éva Tardos. My graduate minor is in Applied Mathematics.
I interned with the Computer Systems and Networking
group at R.A. Microsoft Research, Cambridge during June-August 2013.
I have also worked as a research member at R.A. Computer Technology Institute, Research
Unit 1 from 2010-2011. I received my Dimploma in Computer Science
and Engineering from the Department
of Computer Engineering and Informatics at the University of Patras,
Greece in 2010.