
Samantha Leung

Ph.D., Cornell University Department of Computer Science


My thesis is on decision theory, in particular regret minimization. I also have a minor in econometrics / microeconomics. I received my B.Sc. in Computer Science (with Co-op work experience) from the University of British Columbia in 2009.




Cornell University
Ithaca, NY, USA 14853




Joseph Y. Halpern and Samantha Leung. Maxmin Weighted Expected Utility: A Simpler Characterization. Theory and Decision.


Joseph Y. Halpern and Samantha Leung. Minimizing Regret in Dynamic Decision Problems. ECSQARU 2015.


Samantha Leung, Edward Lui, and Rafael Pass. Voting with Coarse Beliefs. ITCS 2015.


Brad Gulko and Samantha Leung. Maximin Safety: When Failing to Lose is Preferable to Trying to Win: ECSQARU 2013.


Samantha Leung and Edward Lui. Bayesian Mechanism Design with Efficiency, Privacy, and Approximate Truthfulness. WINE 2012: 58-71.


Joseph Y. Halpern and Samantha Leung. Weighted Sets of Probabilities and Minimax Weighted Regret: New Approaches for Representing Uncertainty and Making Decisions. UAI 2012.


David Robert Martin Thompson, Samantha Leung, Kevin Leyton-Brown. Computing Nash Equilibria of Action-Graph Games via Support Enumeration. WINE 2011: 338-350.