Mingsheng Hong
Email: mingsheng.hong [at] cornell.edu

Welcome to my homepage!
I received my PhD degree in November 2008. Convinced by a series
of publications from
Mike Stonebraker
et al. -- "One Size Does
not Fit All" Part 1,
Part 2,
and "The
End of An Architecture Era" -- I joined
Vertica, the world's
next generation analytic database system.
During my thesis study, I worked with Prof. Johannes Gehrke on
expressive and large-scale event stream processing. At Cornell, we have built
Cayuga, an efficient,
scalable system for pattern detection over event streams. I have also spent a
few summers at MSR Redmond contributing to the
Immortal DB
transaction-time database project, and the
CEDR stream
processing project.
Thesis and Invited Book ChaptersStateful Publish/Subscribe, Complex Event Stream Processing
- L. Brenna, D. Johansen, M. Hong, J. Gehrke. “Distributed Event Stream
Processing with Non-deterministic Finite Automata.” DEBS 2009
M. Hong, M. Riedewald, C. Koch, J. Gehrke, A. Demers. "Rule-Based Multi-Query
Optimization." EDBT 2009
- D. Lomet, M. Hong, R. Nehme, R. Zhang. "Transaction
time indexing with version compression.”
VLDB 2008
- M. Hong, A. Demers, J. Gehrke, C. Koch, M. Riedewald, W. White. "Massively Multi-Query Join Processing in Publish/Subscribe Systems". SIGMOD 2007
- L. Brenna, A. Demers, J. Gehrke, M. Hong, J. Ossher, B. Panda, M. Riedewald, M. Thatte, W. White. "Cayuga: A High-Performance Event Processing Engine" (demo). SIGMOD 2007
- A. Demers, J. Gehrke, M. Hong, B. Panda, M. Riedewald, V. Sharma, W. White. "Cayuga: A General Purpose Event Monitoring System". CIDR 2007
- R. Barga, J. Goldstein, M. Ali, M. Hong. "Consistent Streaming Through Time -- A Vision for Event Stream Processing". CIDR 2007
- A. Demers, J. Gehrke, M. Hong, M. Riedewald, W. White. "Towards Expressive Publish/Subscribe Systems". EDBT 2006
- A. Demers, J. Gehrke, M. Hong, M. Riedewald. "Processing High-Speed Intelligence Feeds in Real-Time". ISI 2005
Data Mining
- W. Wang, Q. Yuan, H. Zhou, M. Hong, B. Shi: "Extracting Frequent Connected Subgraphs from Large Graph Sets". Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Volume 19, Number 6, 2004
- C. Wang, M. Hong, W. Wang, B. Shi. "Chopper: Efficient Algorithm for Tree Mining". Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Volume 19, Number 3, 2004.
- C. Wang, M. Hong, J. Pei, H. Zhou, W. Wang, B. Shi. "Efficient Pattern-Growth Methods for Frequent Tree Pattern Mining". In Proceedings of the Eighth Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining ( PAKDD'04)
- M. Hong, H. Zhou, W. Wang, B. Shi. "An Efficient Algorithm of Frequent Connected Subgraph Extraction". In Proceedings of the Seventh Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining ( PAKDD'03)
Service and Activities
Invited talks
- May 2008, Expressive and Scalable Event Stream Processing, Cisco lecture
series on cutting-edge research topics
- April 2008, Understanding Insider Behaviors, Workshop on Insider Threats
in the Networked World
Journal reviewer
- Data & Knowledge Engineering
- Journal of Computer Science and Technology
External conference reviewer
- KDD '04
- ICDE '06
- SIGMOD '06
- VLDB '07
Book reviewer
- Visual C# 2008 How to Program
Research Experiences
- R. S. Barga, J. Goldstein, M. H. Ali, M. Hong. Consistency Sensitive
Streaming Operators.
- R. S. Barga, J. Goldstein, M. H. Ali, M. Hong. Temporal Event Stream
Teaching Experiences
CS 215 (Introduction to C#):
Spring 2008
CS 433 (Practicum in Database Systems):
Fall 2006
Teaching Assistant
CS 432 (Introduction to Database Systems ):
Fall 2006