Mingsheng Hong

Department of Computer Science
Cornell University

Email: mingsheng.hong [at] cornell.edu

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I received my PhD degree in November 2008. Convinced by a series of publications from Mike Stonebraker et al. -- "One Size Does not Fit All" Part 1, Part 2, and "The End of An Architecture Era" -- I joined Vertica, the world's next generation analytic database system.

During my thesis study, I worked with Prof. Johannes Gehrke on expressive and large-scale event stream processing. At Cornell, we have built Cayuga, an efficient, scalable system for pattern detection over event streams. I have also spent a few summers at MSR Redmond contributing to the Immortal DB transaction-time database project, and the CEDR stream processing project

The Cayuga source code 1.0 has been released on Source Forge!



Thesis and Invited Book Chapters

Stateful Publish/Subscribe, Complex Event Stream Processing

Data Mining


Service and Activities

Invited talks

Journal reviewer

External conference reviewer

Book reviewer


Research Experiences




Teaching Experiences


CS 215 (Introduction to C#): Spring 2008

CS 433 (Practicum in Database Systems): Fall 2006

Teaching Assistant

CS 432 (Introduction to Database Systems ): Fall 2006