I have graduated and joined Google as a Research Scientist.
Contact: 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043 Email At: (first-name)(last-name)[at]google[dot]com |
Latest News
Invited talk on Learning with Humans in the Loop at NIPS-2014 Personalization workshop. Slides online.
Paper on Bayesian Ordinal Peer Grading accepted into ACM L@S 2015 conference. An older version that was presented at the NIPS-2014 workshop on Human-Propelled Machine Learning can be found here. Short set of slides available here.
Journal paper on Understanding Intrinsic Diversity in Web Search published in ACM TOIS Journal (Oct 2014 issue).
Invited talk on Interactive Machine Learning with Humans in the Loop at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Slides online.
Paper on machine learning methods for ordinal peer-grading at scale at KDD 2014. Datasets and Code available. Recording of talk available here. Slides available here.
Launched web service for peer-grading at scale using machine learning techniques. Details of our method can be found in our Paper. Our toolkit can also be downloaded as a software.
- Won the Best Student Paper Award at SIGIR 2013 for work on Intrinsic Diversity in Web Search. Paper and Slides are online. A recording of a longer version of the talk (by Paul) is also online.
- Paper on online learning of socially optimal information systems at ECML 2013. Slides and Poster are online.
- Awarded Google PhD Fellowship.
- Paper on improving inference in big data pipelines at KDD 2013. Slides and Poster are online.
- Paper on stable coactive learning at ICML 2013. Slides and Poster are online.
- Awarded Yahoo! Key Scientific Challenge Award.
Research Interests
- Machine Learning, Structured Prediction, Online Learning
- Web Search, Information Retrieval, Learning to Rank, Rank Aggregation, Recommender Systems
- Educational Analytics, Peer Grading, Machine Learning for MOOCs
- Data Science, Big Data Analytics, Data Pipelines, Data Mining
- I am also interested in Natural Langauge Processing, Information Networks and Game Theory
PeerGrading-Toolkit: Python-based toolkit for the peer-grading problem. We also have a web-service: peergrading.org.
- SVM-Dyn: Python-based Structural SVM-based approach used to predict two-level dyanmic rankings.
- HotelRev-Scrape: Python module for scraping hotel reviews from popular travel websites.
- RateProf-Scrape: Python module for scraping review information from ratemyprofessor.com.
- I manage the experimental text search engine for arxiv.org.
- I also develop algorithms for the recommendation engine at my.arxiv.org.

Selected Publications
You can find a complete list of my publications along with additional resources including presentations, posters, bibtex and talk videos here.
- Bayesian Ordinal Peer Grading
: Karthik Raman and Thorsten Joachims, ACM L@S 2015, Vancouver, Canada, March 2015
- Understanding Intrinsic Diversity in Web Search: Improving Whole-Session Relevance
: Karthik Raman, Paul N. Bennett and Kevyn Collins-Thompson, ACM TOIS, October 2014 Issue
- Methods for Ordinal Peer Grading
: Karthik Raman and Thorsten Joachims, KDD 2014, New York, USA, August 2014
- Learning Socially Optimal Information Systems from Egoistic Users
: Karthik Raman and Thorsten Joachims, ECML 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2013
- Beyond Myopic Inference in Big Data Pipelines
: Karthik Raman, Adith Swaminathan, Johannes Gehrke and Thorsten Joachims, KDD 2013, Chicago, USA, August 2013
Toward Whole-Session Relevance: Exploring Intrinsic Diversity in Web Search
: Karthik Raman, Paul N. Bennett and Kevyn Collins-Thompson, SIGIR 2013, Dublin, Ireland, July 2013
[Best Student Paper Award]
- Stable Coactive Learning via Perturbation
: Karthik Raman, Thorsten Joachims, Pannaga Shivaswamy and Tobias Schabel, ICML 2013, Atlanta, USA, June 2013
- Learning from Our Mistakes: Towards a Correctable Learning Algorithm
: Karthik Raman, Krysta M. Svore, Ran Gilad-Bachrach and Chris Burges, CIKM 2012, Maui, USA, October 2012
- Online Learning to Diversify from Implicit Feedback
: Karthik Raman, Pannaga Shivaswamy and Thorsten Joachims, KDD 2012, Beijing, China, August 2012
- Structured Learning of Two-Level Dynamic Rankings
: Karthik Raman, Thorsten Joachims and Pannaga Shivaswamy, CIKM 2011, Glasgow, Scotland, October 2011
- Multilingual Relevance Feedback: Performance Study of Assisting Languages
: Manoj Chinnakotla, Karthik Raman and Pushpak Bhattacharyya, ACL 2010, Uppsala, Sweden, July 2010.
- Multilingual PRF: English Lends a Helping Hand
: Manoj Chinnakotla, Karthik Raman and Pushpak Bhattacharyya, SIGIR 2010, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2010
- On Improving Pseudo-Relevance Feedback using Pseudo-Irrelevant Documents
: Karthik Raman, Raghavendra Udupa, Abhijit Bhole and Pushpak Bhattacharyya, ECIR 2010, Milton Keynes, UK, March 2010

You can also find me on Google Scholar, DBLP and ACM.
- Ph.D. in Computer Science (Minor in Applied Mathematics) at Cornell University (Expected: June 2015)
- M.S. in Computer Science at Cornell University (2013)
- B.Tech at IIT Bombay (2010)
- SIGIR 2013 Best Student Paper Award
- Google PhD Fellowship in Search and Information Retrieval 2013
- Yahoo Key Scientific Challenge Award 2011
- Cornell Olin Fellowship 2010-2011
- WSDM 2015 Outstanding Reviewer Award
- Cornell Teaching Assistance Excellence Award 2011, 2013
- CBSE Merit Scholarship (2006)
- National Talent Search Scholarship (2004)
Work Experience
- Intern at Google: May-August 2014
- Research Intern at MSR, Redmond: May-August 2012
- Research Intern at MSR, Redmond: May-August 2011
- Research Intern at MSR,Bangalore: May-July 2009
Invited Talks
- NIPS-2014 Personalization workshop
- LANL 2014
- Cornell (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014)
- Microsoft Bing (2012)
Teaching Experience
- TA: CS4780/5780 (Machine Learning) Fall 2011, Fall 2013, Fall 2014
- Lectures: CS4780/5780 (Machine Learning) on 9/11/12
- Students Mentored/Co-Advised: Ashueep Singh (Fall 2014), Ziyu Fan (Fall 2013, Spring 2014), Akhilesh Potti (Fall 2013, Spring 2014), Tobias Schnabel (Spring 2012), Diego Accame (Spring 2012)
Reviewing Experience
- PC Member: WWW (2014, 2015); WSDM (2015); ICML (2014, 2015); KDD (2015); SIGIR (2014); ECML (2013, 2014); CIKM (2013), MOD (2015); IKDD (2014); CaRR (2013)
- Reviewer: KDD(2014); ICML (2013); CIKM (2012); SIGIR (2012); AAAI (2012); IJCNLP (2011)
- Journal Reviewing: JMLR, Machine Learning, ACM TOIS