Karn Seth


Email: karn at cs dot cornell dot edu


Cornell Tech

111 8th Avenue #302

New York, NY 10011



I am currently a third year Ph.D student (2011-) in the Computer Science Department at Cornell University. My advisor is Rafael Pass. My main research interests are cryptography and algorithmic game theory, with minor interests in AI and ML.




Obfuscation from Semantically-Secure Multi-linear Encodings

R. Pass, S. Telang and K. Seth.



Non-black-box Simulation from One-way Functions and Applications to Resettable Security

(STOC13) (Invited to Special Issue of SICOMP)
K. Chung, R. Pass and K. Seth.



On the Impossibility of Tamper-Resilient Cryptography
P. Austrin, K. Chung, M. Mahmoody, R. Pass and K. Seth.



Block Sensitivity versus Sensitivity (Undergraduate Senior Thesis, awarded High Honors)

A. Chakrabarti and K. Seth



(Updated December 2013)