My research uses ideas from programming languages to solve problems in networking, databases, and security. Some specific topics of interest include language design, semantics, type systems, and mechanized proof. Recently I’ve been spending most of my time thinking about how to design better languages and tools for computer networks.
Recent News [all]
- [03/2025] StacKAT andNetKAT Automata Learning conditionally accepted to PLDI.
- [01/2025] Named an ACM Fellow.
- [05/2025] Lecturing at the SRI Summer School on Formal Techniques.
- [01/2025] Presented at NUS Computer Science Research Week in Singapore.
- [12/2024] Received a gift from the VMware University Research Fund.
- [12/2024] It Takes a Village: Bridging the Gaps between Current and Formal Specifications for Protocols accepted to CACM.
- [11/2024] Appointed Associate Dean for Research for Bowers CIS.
- [09/2024] Network Design Considerations for Trading Systems accepted to HotNets.
- [08/2024] Appointed Vice Chair of DARPA ISAT.
- [08/2024] Computing Precise Control Interface Specifications accepted to OOPSLA.
- [06/2024] Served as PC Co-chair of HotNets with Behnaz Arzani (MSR).
- [05/2024] LANCER placed 2nd in TTCP CAGE-4 Challenge.
- [04/2024] KATch: A Fast Symbolic Verifier for NetKAT accepted to PLDI.
- [10/2023] Served as Chair of 2023 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award Commitee.
- [10/2023] Distinguished Paper Award for Formal Abstractions for Packet Scheduling from OOPSLA.
- [09/2023] LeArning Network CybER agents (LANCER) grant from DARPA.
- [08/2023] On sabbatical at EPFL, hosted by the Data Center Systems Lab (DSCL).
- [06/2023] Robin Milner Young Researcher Award from ACM SIGPLAN.
Current Projects

Formal Foundations for Programmable Data Planes
SIGCOMM '24a SIGCOMM '24b CPP '23 PLDI '22
POPL '21 Code