Florian Suri-Payer

PhD Candidate, Cornell University



Looking for job opportunities starting Summer 2025!


I am a final year CS PhD student at Cornell University where I am fortunate to be advised by Lorenzo Alvisiand Natacha Crooks(UC Berkeley). Prior to grad school I completed my undergrad in CS at TU Berlin, Germany. Outside research, I am an avid tennis player and member of the Cornell Club Tennis team.


My passion lies in analytical thinking and formal rigor as applied to computing systems. My research addresses the design of large scale distributed systems, specifically efficient Byzantine fault tolerance, transaction processing and wide area replication. I am also broadly interested in the use of Machine Learning to support distributed systems, and vice versa. I aim to pursue principled, foundational research that can actually be realized and deployed.

My current research focuses on building robust and efficient transactional systems that provide strong consistency and expressive application interfaces. More concretely, my ongoing thesis research attempts to introudce new approaches towards delivering highly peformant Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) Database Systems. Broadly, my work spans the construction of low latency and high throughput distributed transactional systems, and the design of low-latency BFT consensus algorithms that achieve high degrees of parallelism and decentralization.



"Shoal++: High Througput DAG BFT Can Be Fast!". Balaji Arun, Zekun Li, Florian Suri-Payer, Sourav Das, Alexander Spiegelman. In Proceedings of the 22nd USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI'25). [pre-print] Random author order.

"Autobahn: Seamless high speed BFT". Florian Suri-Payer*, Neil Giridharan*, Ittai Abraham, Lorenzo Alvisi, Natacha Crooks. In Proceedings of the 30th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP'24). November 2024. [proceedings] *Equal contribution.
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"BeeGees: Stayin' Alive in Chained BFT". Neil Giridharan, Florian Suri-Payer, Matthew Ding, Heidi Howard, Ittai Abraham, Natacha Crooks. ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing 2023 (PODC'23). June 2023. [proceedings][Technical Report]

"Morty: Scaling Concurrency Control with Re-Execution". Matthew Burke, Florian Suri-Payer, Jeffrey Helt, Lorenzo Alvisi, Natacha Crooks. European Conference on Computer Systems 2023 (EuroSys'23) . May 2023. [proceedings]

"It's not easy to relax: liveness in chained BFT protocols". Ittai Abraham, Natacha Crooks, Neil Giridharan*, Heidi Howard, Florian Suri-Payer. Brief Announcement. International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC). October 2022. [proceedings] *Lead author.

"Basil: Breaking up BFT with ACID (transactions)". Florian Suri-Payer, Matthew Burke, Zheng Wang, Yunhao Zhang, Lorenzo Alvisi, Natacha Crooks. In Proceedings of the 28th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP'21). October 2021. [proceedings][talk-recording-10min][talk-recording-20min][Technical Report][artifact-evaluation]

"Unsupervised Anomaly Event Detection for Cloud Monitoring Using Online Arima". Florian Schmidt, Florian Suri-Payer , Anton Gulenko, Marcel Wallschlager, Alexander Acker and Odej Kao. 2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing Companion (UCC Companion). December 2018. [proceedings]

"Unsupervised Anomaly Event Detection for VNF Service Monitoring Using Multivariate Online Arima". Florian Schmidt, Florian Suri-Payer, Anton Gulenko, Marcel Wallschlager, Alexander Acker and Odej Kao. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom). December 2018. [proceedings]



  • CS 4420: Operating Systems (Spring 2020)
  • CS 4410: Operating Systems (Spring 2019)
  • CS 2110: Object Oriented Programming (Fall 2018)

TU Berlin

  • Algorithms and Datastructures (Summer 2018)
  • Discrete Structures (Winter 2017)
  • Computability and Complexity (Summer 2017)
  • Formal Languages and Automatons (Winter 2016)



  • Distributed Computing 2023
  • ACM TOCS 2020

Reviewer Aide

  • OSDI 2020
  • SOSP 2019



  • Lorenzo Alvisi (Cornell)
  • Natacha Crooks (UC Berkeley)
  • Antoine Delignat-Lavaud (MSR Cambridge)
  • Cedric Fournet (MSR Cambridge)
  • Florian Schmidt (TU Berlin)
  • Alexander Spiegelman (AptosLabs)
  • Igor Kabiljo (AptosLabs)


  • Gaurav Bhatnagar (Bsc, UC Berkeley)
  • Roberto Toledo (MEng, Cornell → Exostellar)
  • Oliver Matte (MEng, Cornell → Jump Trading)
  • Liam Arzola (MEng, Cornell → MPI Saarbrucken)
  • Benton Li (MEng, Cornell)
  • Shivang Singh (BSc, UC Berkeley → Bloomberg)
  • Zheng Wang (BA, Cornell → Google)
  • Haotian Shen (BSc, UC Berkeley)
  • Daniel Weber (MEng, Cornell → Jane Street)

Fellow students and researchers

  • Matthew Burke (PhD, Cornell → Databricks)
  • Yunhao Zhang (PhD, Cornell)
  • Shir Cohen (PostDoc, Cornell)
  • Suyash Gupta (PostDoc, UC Berkeley)
  • Neil Giridharan (PhD, UC Berkeley)
  • Samyu Yagati (PhD, UC Berkeley)
  • Joanne Woodage (Senior Researcher MSR Cambridge)
  • Jeffrey Helt (PhD, Princeton)