About Me

Contact Information
5138 Upson HallDept. of Computer Science
Cornell University
Email: cnyu AT cs.cornell.edu
Office: (607) 255-9201
I have moved to here.
Starting from September 2010 I am a postdoctoral fellow at AICML at the Department of Computing Science at the University of Alberta, working with Russ Greiner. Prior to coming to Edmonton I obtained my PhD in Computer Science at Cornell University, under the supervision of Thorsten Joachims.
Before that I studied at Wadham College at Oxford for my undergraduate degree, and I grew up in Hong Kong.
I am on the job market this year, applying for both academic and industrial positions. Here are my CV, research statement, and teaching statement.
Research Interests.
My main research interest is in structured output prediction, especially methods based on large-margin principles. I also work on support vector machines, kernel methods, and on the large-scale training of these models. Here at AICML I also started looking at machine learning problems arising from biomedical data.
- Transductive Learning of Structural SVMs via Prior Knowledge Constraints (pdf, with supplementary materials)
- International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2012
- Improved Learning of Structural Support Vector Machines: Training with Latent Variables and Nonlinear Kernels (pdf)
- PhD Thesis, Cornell University, 2010
- Predicting Structured Objects with Support Vector Machines
- Communications of the ACM, Research Highlight, 52(11):97-104, November 2009
- Sparse Kernel SVMs via Cutting-Plane Training (pdf)
- ECML PKDD 2009 special issue, Machine Learning Journal
- (Best Machine Learning Paper Award)
- Cutting-Plane Training of Structural SVMs (pdf)
- Machine Learning Journal, 77(1):27-59
- Training Protein Threading Models using Structural SVMs (pdf)
- ICML Workshop on Learning in Structured Output Spaces, 2006