Carlos Moreno, M.S.
Ph.D. Student, Computer Science, Cornell University
Office: Gates 322
Email: cmoreno (AT) cs (DOT) cornell (DOT) edu
Welcome to the website for Carlos Moreno! I will try my best to keep this as updated as possible throughout my professional career. At the moment, I am a new Ph.D. student at Cornell University, in the Department of Computer Science. Beyond graduation, I aspire to one day become a faculty member, to give back in the way many countless professors have in the past.
In terms of research interests, I am currently intrigued by two general areas. The first is computer science education. What are good approaches to teaching computer science concepts to students? How do these techniques vary in regards to the demographics of the students? Specifically, I am interested in looking at computer science education in regards to under-represented minorities (URMs).
Second, I am interested in machine learning. How can we teach computers to learn about their environment, whether supervised or not? Moreover, what are the moral and ethical implications of machine learning, and artificial intelligence in general? Specifically, I am looking at how machine learning can be used to solve problems in the world of computational sustainability. Can we use computer science to make the world more sustainable? I believe the answer to this question is paramount for our future as a species.