A Framework for the Geolocation of Internet Hosts
Octant is a novel, comprehensive framework
for determining the physical location of Internet nodes. It breaks down
the geolocation problem into a system of constraints that can be solved
geometrically to yield an estimated region where the node resides. Constraints
are aggressively derived from network measurements from landmarks and
intermediate nodes whose locations are known. This approach gains its
accuracy through three novel properties. First, it takes advantage of
negative information, that is information on where a node is not, in addition
to positive information, that is, information on where the node might be.
Second it can reason in the presence of uncertainity, which enables it to
extract geographic constraints from routers on the network path whose
positions are not known precisely. Finally, Octant is a general
framework that can admit any kind of constraint through its representation
of constraints as surfaces bounded by Bezier curves. The framework can
localize the median PlanetLab node to within 22 miles, a factor of three
better than previouis approaches, with little error.
Overview |
How Octant works. |
Papers |
Paper trail. |
Online Demo |
A PlanetLab deployment consisting of 40 landmarks nodes is available for evaluation.
Screenshots |
Check out screenshots of some interesting targets localized by Octant.
People |
Project members. |
Support |
Our sources of research support. |