CS 6210

Matrix Computations

Location: Hollister Hall 306
Lecture: MWF 11:15-12:05
Discussion: Piazza
Course material: GitHub

Prof: David Bindel
Email: bindel@cs.cornell.edu
OH: W 1:30-2:30, Th 10-11
Scheduler link


2016-10-15: HW 4 posted

2016-10-10: Midterm is posted

2016-09-27: HW 3 is posted.

2016-09-14: Weds CS colloquium speaker is Margaret Wright (4:15 pm, Gates G01).

2016-09-14: Correction to HW2 problem 1.

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CS 6210 is a graduate-level introduction to numerical linear algebra, including a discussion of direct and iterative methods for solving linear systems, least squares problems, and eigenvalue problems.

See the syllabus for more information on course logistics.