CS 4220/5223 + MATH 4260
Numerical Analysis: Linear and Nonlinear Problems
Prof: David Bindel
Email: bindel@cs.cornell.edu
OH: W 1:30-2:30, Th 10-11
Scheduler link
2015-05-07: A practice final is up.
2015-05-05: Some review notes are up.
2015-04-27: PS8 has been posted.
2015-04-14: Proj 3 has been posted (due next Thurs).
2015-04-06: PS7 has been posted.
Older news »Overview
Scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and computer scientists use models to describe everything from the ringing of bells to the evolution of animal populations to the relationships between web pages. We turn to computers to help us analyze all but the simplest such models; but how can an inherently discrete device such as a computer solve continuous problems quickly and reliably? This is the fundamental question we address in CS 4220: Numerical Analysis: Linear and Nonlinear Problems.
In this semester of the two-part numerical sequence offered jointly with mathematics, we introduce numerical methods for standard problems in linear algebra, then apply them to the solution of nonlinear systems of equations and optimization problems. The course will involve a mix of theoretical and practical exercises that will illustrate how to use numerical tools wisely (we hope!) when solving scientific problems.
See the syllabus for more information on course logistics.